Hace 14 años | Por --10689-- a james-iry.blogspot.com
Publicado hace 14 años por --10689-- a james-iry.blogspot.com

Pequeño y divertido resumen sobre los lenguajes de programación a lo largo de los años... Visto en Reddit.


Skynet is nothing more than a pretentious buffer overrun ...en C


Various "computers" are "programmed" using direct wiring and switches. Engineers do this in order to avoid the tabs vs spaces debate. lol lol

Es una pena que esto jamás pueda llegar a portada


#2 Cierto, pero al menos he pasado un rato divertido gracias a tí.


Cuanto más lo leo más me rio.

1987 - Larry Wall falls asleep and hits Larry Wall's forehead on the keyboard. Upon waking Larry Wall decides that the string of characters on Larry Wall's monitor isn't random but an example program in a programming language that God wants His prophet, Larry Wall, to design. Perl is born.

lol lol lol lol


1972 - Dennis Ritchie invents a powerful gun that shoots both forward and backward simultaneously. Not satisfied with the number of deaths and permanent maimings from that invention he invents C and Unix.

Cuanta verdad hay en ello


1964 - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz create BASIC, an unstructured programming language for non-computer scientists.

1965 - Kemeny and Kurtz go to 1964.