Hace 14 años | Por albx a haaretz.com
Publicado hace 14 años por albx a haaretz.com

Quienes toman las decisiones en Israel tendrían que haber tenido en cuenta la propia historia israelí. Esto demuestra que poca memoria histórica tienen el primer ministro, el ministro de defensa y el responsable de marina. No se acuerda de l ahistoria del Exodus en 1947.(Haaretz)



"The flotilla organizers wanted deaths, casualties, blood and billows of smoke." Aquí he dejado de leer. NO MENEO.


En realidad es un artículo que justifica a Israel y busca maneras en que Israel debería haber hecho ésto al tiempo que cuenta triquiñuelas para hacer lo que les venga en gana sin que escandalice tanto a la opinión pública:

In 1988, when the PLO organized a ship named "The Return" to be sent to Israel with Palestinian refugees, Israel chose a different method to stop it. It sent Mossad agents and Naval commandos to Cyprus to sabotage the ship before the passengers had embarked. The ship was damaged but no one was hurt.

Israel should have considered a similar approach with the Gaza flotilla. But apparently the days in which Israeli agents could operate freely in friendly countries are gone.

There was another possibility. During Ehud Olmert's term as prime minister, Israel permitted a lone aid ship, filled with supplies and activists, to enter Gaza. The skies did not fall on Israel in the wake of this.

The Israeli government could have acted similarly this time. No disaster would have occurred. The boat would have landed, the supplies would have been unloaded and the activists would have disembarked.

So what? You may argue that this would have set a precedent. But I argue that if Hamas had tried to do the same thing again in the future, Israel would still have had the ability to
operate differently and outsmart Hamas.


... y tú una "c" en "lección"


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