Hace 15 años | Por alehopio a infobae.com
Publicado hace 15 años por alehopio a infobae.com

Un documento confidencial que contenía detalles minuciosos sobre los centenares de emplazamientos nucleares en los Estados Unidos fue posteado el lunes en su página de Internet. El Gobierno arregló el error ayer, tras una petición de información por parte de los medios de comunicación, informó el diario norteamericano The Washington Post.



To the Congress of the United States:

I transmit herewith a list of the sites, locations, facilities, and activities in the United States that I intend to declare to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), under the Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the United States of America and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in the United States of America, with Annexes, signed at Vienna on June 12, 1998 (the ‘‘U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol’’), and constitutes a report thereon, as required by section 271 of Public Law 109–401. In accordance with section 273 of Public Law 109–401, I hereby certify that:

(1) each site, location, facility, and activity included in the list has been examined by each department and agency with national security equities with respect to such site, location, facility, or activity; and

(2) appropriate measures have been taken to ensure that information of direct national security significance will not be compromised at any such site, location, facility, or activity in connection with an IAEA inspection.

The enclosed draft declaration lists each site, location, facility, and activity I intend to declare to the IAEA, and provides a detailed description of such sites, locations, facilities, and activities, and the provisions of the U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol under which they would be declared. Each site, location, facility, and activity would be declared in order to meet the obligations of the United States of America with respect to these provisions.

The IAEA classification of the enclosed declaration is ‘‘Highly Confidential Safeguards Sensitive’’; however, the United States regards this information as ‘‘Sensitive but Unclassified.’’ Nonetheless, under Public Law 109–401, information reported to, or otherwise acquired by, the United States Government under this title or under the U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol shall be exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code.


THE WHITE HOUSE, May 5, 2009.



#2 Pues dame todos tus passwords


#5 Solicitado el descarte, gracias.


No sé si en cuestión de seguridad física funciona de la misma manera, pero en el mundo de la informática, un buen sistema de seguridad es aquel que sigue siendo seguro incluso sabiendo cómo funciona.


#6 He dicho "sabiendo cómo funciona", no "teniendo las llaves"


Los expertos nucleares explicaron que es posible que los grupos terroristas se hayan beneficiado con la información que, por error, brindó el Gobierno de Barack Obama. No obstante, sostuvieron que la información brindada es no clasificada y está accesible por otras fuentes por lo que restaron importancia al asunto.


#1 Es no clasificada como alto secreto, pero si es información confidencial. Sobre todo al estar recopilada toda junta...