Hace 15 años | Por fernando a telegraph.co.uk
Publicado hace 15 años por fernando a telegraph.co.uk

Una más de los problemas de no usar debidamente las redes sociales.



At just past 6pm on an undisclosed date she wrote: "My boss is a total pervvy ****, always making me do ** stuff just to ** me off!! ****!"

Brian, an older man who is pictured wearing sunglasses, wrote to her at 10.53pm the same day: "Hi Lindsay, I guess you forgot about adding me on here?"

He added: "Firstly, don't flatter yourself. Secondly, you've worked here 5 months and didn't work out that I'm gay? Thirdly, that '**** stuff' is called your 'job', you know, what I pay you to do. But the fact that you seem to be able to ** up the simplest of tasks might contribute to how you feel about it.


Duplicada, ya salió hace unos días y con múltiples traducciones en los ocmentarios.