Hace 9 años | Por ecosilent a greenmedinfo.com
Publicado hace 9 años por ecosilent a greenmedinfo.com

Un estudio clínico, publicado en PLoS One y titulado “EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation”, ha revelado que la llamada generación 3G de tecnología móvil, provoca una alteración en la actividad de las ondas cerebrales, especialmente las ondas alfa, beta y gama. La exposición al teléfono móvil en un uso normal, (15 minutos diarios), provoca cambios electrofisiológicos que resultaron en alteraciones medibles en casi la totalidad de la estructura de funcionamiento del cerebro.



Y los palos para telefonos moviles mas


Esa página es spam. Mejor un link directo al estudio: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4459698/


#3 Spam, sensacionalista y humo:
"In this placebo-controlled, single-blind, cross-over study, we investigated whether a 15 minute RF-EMF exposure by a 3G mobile phone impacts EEG activity. It was demonstrated that the results (and conclusions) strongly depend on the method of analysis. Analysed in the traditional fashion, that is, not controlling for the nested structure of the data, no significant differences could be demonstrated (see Table 2), a finding which is in accordance with several other studies [18,25–28]. [...] To our knowledge, this ear-heart contrast has not been studied before. The present data suggest that a greater distance to the brain in case of the chest placement results in less EEG effects."

"Although there are some studies which found an increase in the alpha frequency band due to RF-EMF [9–15], the extent to which the different EEG bands are affected in the present study has not been reported in literature to date."

"Some limitations have to be considered. First, the study was performed with adult female subjects only. The generalizability of the results to, for example, male subjects, children, and the elderly has to be demonstrated in future research. Second, a sample size of thirty-one is relatively small. Future studies with larger sample sizes are required. Two other critical points are exposure time and follow up measurements. In this study, only one exposure condition (15 minutes) was used and a (long term) follow up measurement was not included. It would be interesting to investigate what the effects are of other (shorter or longer) exposure periods to mobile phone radiation, as well as to find out what the effects are of frequent experimental exposure to radiation in the long term. Fifth, no inner ear temperature was measured. As there is evidence that mobile phones cause a thermal, heating effect [30], it could be argued that inner ear temperature fluctuations between the conditions may have confounded the findings. On the other hand, it has also been reported that any changes in cerebral blood flow due to mobile phone radiation, assessed by positron emission tomography, are unlikely to be temperature-related [31,32]. This issue needs further investigation. Sixth, the experiment was performed in a non-shielded room, thus including environmental background radiation. It would be ideal to carry out such experiments in a radiation-free environment. As a seventh point of concern, in retrospect it would have been preferable to not enter the experimenting room in-between conditions to change phones. Ideally the phone should be programmed from outside the room. Furthermore, a note should be made with respect to the number of tests performed. For example, Fig 1 contains eighteen test results. When corrected with the Bonferroni procedure, only two p-values (slow-beta left and midline) would remain significant. However, at least some of the findings would hold up under such a correction and it should be noted that the Bonferroni method is actually overly conservative for multiple correlated tests. [33] Instead, the ‘False discovery rate’ (FDR) was used to correct for multiple testing. Most results were still significant after correction. Finally, information on other (psycho)physiological and biological measures may be included in future work."




el 87% de los estudios sobre los los efectos de la radiación electromagnética de los teléfonos celulares sobre las ondas cerebrales, están financiados por la industria de la telefonía móvil, lo que explicaría por qué la mayoría de la literatura sobre la exposición al teléfono celular afirma que no tiene ningún tipo de efecto sobre nuestra salud. incluso algunos de estos estudios pagados por las compañías llegan a afirmar que la radiación electromagnética es positiva para el cerebro.


#2 Estaba dudando mi voto pero visto tu interes voto Erronea.

El estudio no hace ninguna relacion con nuestra salud. Por tanto. Si ellos no la hacen, esta totalmente de mas que TU utilices el trabajo ajeno para decir algo que ellos no dicen. Su conclusion es:

Further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings.


#5 Eres un negacionista, seguro que te pagan los de las compañias telefonicas, eso explicaria por que lo votas negativo.

Con mi nuevo producto, podreis eliminar las radiaciones nocivas de los moviles https://goo.gl/xsUqua


#6 No he tenido tiempo a votar negativo. Soy semi negacionista. lol