
#4 y qué modelo es?
soporta OGG? desde linux se puede montar como cualquier otro dispositivo?


#2 o simplemente añade a la sangre mensajeros (hormonas p.ej.) que le inducen a ello, o a lo mejor simplemente hace que se tire al agua, no es que le de "ganas" de suicidarse al grillo, no?

Me parece un comportamiento un poco contraproducente. Eso de matar al huésped no suele ser bueno


[talibán] "De el" -> "Del", entre otros más leves


A new Hizbollah hero emerges
Friday July 21st 2006

IN the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, a new hero is emerging from the rubble of homes destroyed by Israeli bulldozers.

"I wish there were two of him," said Yusuf Al-Masri, whose modest grocery store and half of his house were knocked down on Monday by the Israeli military.

The Shia leader of Hizbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has become an inspirational figurehead to Sunni Palestinians. About 4,000 Palestinian demonstrators in Nablus and 400 in Gaza City waved Hizbollah's black and yellow "Party of God" flags yesterday as they sang his praises. "Nasrallah, our dearest, strike, strike Tel Aviv," they shouted.

For many Palestinians, hemmed in and largely impotent in the West Bank and Gaza, the Lebanese Hizbollah leader has become a symbol of resistance by opening up a second front and sending missiles deep into Israeli territory.

Palestinians tune in to Hizbollah's Al Manar television station to hear Nasrallah's speeches. They hope his actions will lead to the release of some of their 10,000 prisoners and that, as the only figure in the Arab world who has the temerity to attack the strongest military power in the Middle East, he will punish Israel.

Near Mr Masri's mangled home, the funeral of 17-year-old Mohena Masla was taking place. He was shot dead last week by an Israeli soldier as he looked out of a window. "We need more Nasrullahs," said Mohena's father, Saad, a trader. "My son was an innocent boy. Palestinians should take inspiration from Hizbollah."

But this surging popularity has not left all of the Muslim world at ease. Ahmed Bahar, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council from Gaza, played down the now-common criticism that Hizbollah's ability to strike Israel has highlighted Hamas's deficiencies.

"The popularity of the resistance movement is gaining in general," he said. While international concern is focused on Israeli military action in Lebanon, the killing has also continued in Palestinian territories. Israeli forces killed three people and wounded six yesterday in the Mughazi refugee camp in central Gaza.

(© Daily Telegraph, London)

Isambard Wilkinson


nada (me equivoqué de noticia comentando)


#5 wu-ftpd rlz!
Hay que abrir el puerto 20/TCP tb. para el FTP activo, no?