
Si, si, no hacen caso: chufla chufla, como no te apartes tuuuú, anda que si peta, lo que me voy a reir, como en el chiste de Gila: "Me habeis matao al hijo, pero lo que me he reido" :-))


A ver cuando sale la Ana Ibañez en "Interviú" que me pone mas que todo el elenco televisivo junto.


#62 Las dos que salen presentando el telediario matutino de Antena 3 tampoco es que estén mal. En particular la morena me vuelve loco.


Bueno, ¿Que? ¿Que tanta historia? ¿Que a parte de estar buena tiene que ser periodista? ¿de cuando aca? Habeis descubierto la rueda. Esto es España, dime una sola presentadora-presentador de cualquier emisora de televisión que no sea un puton, sin distinción de canales o sexos: todos putas. Uno de los más eticós es el enanito de "cuentame" "tomate" o como lo llame ahora, que no disimula en sus experiencias sexuales.


Yo si voy de modo compulsivo a la Wikipedia, me parto el culo con las discusiones :-))


al final las putas salen más baratas, que le pregunten al rey por la Corina, claro que como no pagan ellos


Estaaba la pastoooraa laranlaran lariitoo cuidaandoo eel rebañiitoo laranlaran lariitoo


Lo que sobran son comepollas como el ToHaria BaHamonde.


#70 Eso no lo digas q m ofendo gravemente y creo una sub-asociación d victimas. Los ginecólogos y los oncólogos son todos honrados: están vacunados contra la corrupción


Los ricos son muy dados a los vicios y claro, se necesita un ginecologo para examinar a las prostitutas que contratan para las fiestas y para rebajar tensiones.


Ya que estais animados, os animo a que vayais a la pagina Facebook de Aquarius y les digais lo que pensais de la campaña que ha hecho la Coca Cola a favor de los politicos buenos.


La he traducido al inglés con una nota aclaratoria por si la quereis compartir con gente de fuera de Korruptostan:


[In Spain E.T.A. (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna=Homeland and Freedom) was a communist terrorist organization trying the Basque Country indepence since General Franco dictator age. The Spanish electoral democratic system is not representative, it is designed for a party with 40% of the vote can govern freely. Besides in Spain the vote of each citizen has not the same value. The rural vote has much more value. 4 votes in a City like to Barcelona has the same value than 1 vote in a city like to Soria, at a rate of four to one. My city, Zaragoza, bigger than soria is electorally less valuable. Left vote is accumulated in large cities with working class vicinities while small cities, towns and villages with scarcely populated neighbourhoods of landowners vote conservative.]

The "Platform of People Affected by the Mortgage" (PAH=plataforma de afectados por la hipoteca) is, to the goverment of Conservative Party (PP= partido popular) a "violent organization", a "Nazi" "deeply undemocratic group " trying " to coerce political freedom and they "practicing" bullying and harassment" and PAH "is very related with ETA" tells PP government with many other "compliments".

This platform (PAH) is for the "European Parliament", one of those "exceptional organizations that fight for European values," a group that "every day are promoting the values of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union." The PAH is one of the "European Citizen Prize 2013", it awarded by the European parliament and this is the qualification from "European Parlament" to the winners. The award is well deserved. No one has done more than the PAH for fighting agaisnt undoubtedly one of the most serious problems faced by Spain: a country with hundreds of thousands of empty flats and thousands of families dwelling on the streets.

Despite the award, the PP continues to his guns. They are going to call for the withdrawal of an award that portrays them, despite that Conservative European Party federation voted to award the PAH. The award clearly demonstrates which organization is profoundly undemocratic: Spaniard Conservative Party clearly criminalizes peaceful protests, the Conservative Spanish government try to blame the victims saying that the victims are the executioners, and the Spanish Conservative governtment reduce democracy to voting every 4 years.

Europe is making it clear to the PP party and its Government, and it is the third time that Europe let it happens. "European Justice" ruled that Spanish law does unfair evictions. The "European Central Bank" asked the Spanish Government a plan "broader" against this drama. And now the European Parliament awards the PAH.

Certainly the "European Parliament", the "European Justice" and the "European Central Bank" are everyone ETA, as the PAH. They are everywhere these of ETA.


Las brigadas internacionales han vuelto porque en España hay otra cruzada nacional de los de siempre.


Se ve que a los ricos les molesta tener un centro de beneficencia allí. En Los Rosales del Canal vive Victor Fernandez en un chalé, el ex entrenador del Real Zaragoza, mientras que el Zaragoza va de culo, tambien viven muchos de los jefes de "El Corte Inglés", excepto los que viven en "Las Torres de San Lamberto", empresarios y médicos.


#65 Te equivocas de barrio, Rosales del Canal es prácticamente de VPOs, te lo digo como buen vecino del barrio

Tu hablas de Montecanal.