
#66 When I said they have coups d'etat every ten years, it is not correct, but in a previous comment of mine you can see when they had coups ejercito-turco-declara-ley-marcial-segun-medios-locales/c038#c-38

Hace 8 años | Por --76581-- a actualidad.rt.com
in the past.

I am a Spanish native speaker.


#69 Ok, I thought you were speaking in present continous.
Ok, anyway ,thanks again for your time.


#70 oh! you think it could be better "who are having a coup every ten years". I don't know. Probably you are right.



#71 Your welcome dude!!


#66 ¿witch? ¿no será which?

Witch, please ...

#73 ¿Your welcome?


#77 efectivamente es wich, gracias, youre welcome, si me he comido un apóstrofe, comento desde móvil y es Dedazo.


everyone seems to be an expert in coup d'etats, but the real experts are the turks who have a coup every ten years. nobody can do better a coup than them.


#23 who have had (coups d'etat), for ten years or who have had (them) since 2006 'till now...
En otro comentario de otro hilo, también decías "it's Obviously", cuando en todo caso sería
"it' s obvious"
Are those false friends?
Witch one is the correct form?
I suppose you can speak spanish fluently, or at least you can read it properly.
Thanks for your time...


#66 When I said they have coups d'etat every ten years, it is not correct, but in a previous comment of mine you can see when they had coups ejercito-turco-declara-ley-marcial-segun-medios-locales/c038#c-38

Hace 8 años | Por --76581-- a actualidad.rt.com
in the past.

I am a Spanish native speaker.


#69 Ok, I thought you were speaking in present continous.
Ok, anyway ,thanks again for your time.


#70 oh! you think it could be better "who are having a coup every ten years". I don't know. Probably you are right.



#71 Your welcome dude!!


#66 ¿witch? ¿no será which?

Witch, please ...

#73 ¿Your welcome?


#77 efectivamente es wich, gracias, youre welcome, si me he comido un apóstrofe, comento desde móvil y es Dedazo.


#86 Don't worry. In time I'll write comments like the harry potter books.


#84 Many comments I used this night are copy and paste from comments on reddit. Could you tell me what comments are wrong? Thanks in advance.


#85 No es que estén mal. Es que tus comentarios son muy sencillos y no aportan nada al debate, en su mayoría. Además, al igual que se vota negativo los comentarios en catalán, meneame es una web en castellano y el fascismo nacionalista español debería votarte negativo. Aunque no lo hacen, por lo que me parece interesante tu propuesta. Te animo a que sigas escribiendo en inglés pero que aumentes el tamaño de los comentarios.


#86 Don't worry. In time I'll write comments like the harry potter books.


Mosques are playing Ezan (call to prayer) in Istanbul too. Unusual for this hour of the day.