
#10 cierto. que turbio


La otra #30 cosa que me llama la atención es que si ese periódico ha accedido a ese documento, no lo publique integramente.

#10 Bah... las acusaciones contra Ardin (que es nacida en Cuba, y es activista anticastrista, razón probable por la que entró contacto con Assange y su entorno), parten de medios pro-castristas y son bastante burdas, empezó con este artículo:
que viene a decir que como ella escribe en la página web de un opositor cubano al que un blog pro-castrista acusa de ser agente de la CIA basandose en suposiciones bastante peregrinas...
entonces por el Teorema del Punto Gordo ella es una agente de la CIA.


#10 #17 Los medios de la dictadura castrista y los afines al aporreador bolivariano en este tema tienen para mi credibilidad cero #34 en cuanto a Ardin.



Todo fue muy extraño, cooperó con el Centro Olof Palme pero luego se dedicó a desprestigiar nuestro trabajo

De Anna Ardin nos contaron lo mismo que de Helmut Metzner, “se ha servido de nuestra red liberal para hacer espionaje al servicio de EE.UU”. No era una castrista precisamente quien mantiene esta tesis. Todo lo contrario.

De hecho Anna Ardin se presentó en ocasiones como una izquierdista que valoraba los avances sociales del castrismo pero que criticaba la falta de libertades. De la Unión Liberal Cubana al socialismo democrático, sin despeinarse. Esto le llamó la atención a un buen amigo que ha sufrido cárceles por defender la libertad en la isla bajo las botas militares de los hermanos Castro.

Poca credibilidad tiene el regimen castrista. Pero Nación Red, ahora que las especulaciones ya están en los titulares de los medios “serios”, puede aportar que esa acusación o reflexión la hacen también demócratas cubanos intachables, anticastristas que desde hace semanas vienen informando en privado de las andanzas, “más que evidentes” de la mujer que acusa de violación a Assange

Las dos son activistas de un extraño grupo con apariencia sectaria que se define como feminista, cristiano, antiabortista y socialista

También que Suecia, no España, es el país del mundo con mayor y mejor red de apoyo a la oposición a Castro

Precisamente desde la oposición democrática a Castro se acusa a Anna Ardin de desprestigiar a ciertos colectivos para beneficiar a otros. También se comenta que era demasiado “evidente” lo que hacía.

Fuente: http://www.nacionred.com/derechos-humanos/anna-ardin-la-mujer-que-ha-denunciado-a-julian-assange-por-violacion-una-agente-de-la-cia

Paesa desaparece de Luxemburgo y busca protección en Suiza

Trabaja para los servicios secretos suizos y franceses, donde se le conoce como El Zorro - Sus sobrinos Alfonso y Betriz colaboran con él - Se mueve entre Luxemburgo, París, Ginebra y Londres

el ex agente de Interior que presuntamente ocultó la fortuna de Luis Roldán

Fuente: http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2004/11/16/espana/1100568858.html



Swedish prosecutors told AOL News last week that Assange was not wanted for rape as has been reported, but for something called “sex by surprise” or “unexpected sex.”

James D. Catlin, a lawyer who recently represented Assange, said the sex assault investigation into the WikiLeaks founder is based on claims he didn’t use condoms during sex with two Swedish women.

One accuser, Anna Ardin, may have “ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups,” according to Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett

While in Cuba, Ardin worked with the Las damas de blanco

Professor Michael Seltzer pointed out that the group is led by Carlos Alberto Montaner who is reportedly connected to the CIA.

Shamir and Bennett noted that Las damas de blanco is partially funded by the US government and also counts Luis Posada Carriles as a supporter.

A declassified 1976 document (.pdf) revealed Posada to be a CIA agent. He has been convicted of terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of people.

Catlin observed that both Ardin and Sofia Wilén, the second accuser, sent SMS messages and tweets boasting of their conquests following the alleged “rapes.”

Niether Wilén’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape,” Catlin said.

When the charges were first leveled in August, Gawker raised doubts that Ardin was working for the CIA.

Fuente: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/06/assange-rape-accuser-cia-ties/

The charges against Julian Assange were indeed trumped up. Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén planned it all. They went to the police station asking for advice, knowing the police would turn it into an accusation of rape. They're also the ones who leaked the story to the tabloid Expressen.

The formal interrogation of Sofia Wilén was only concluded hours later and the interrogation of Anna Ardin didn't take place until the day after - by telephone.

As seen from Anna Ardin's SMS history, Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén made the whole thing up - and even decided to leak the story to notorious Swedish tabloid Expressen. The story reached Niklas Svensson and others at Expressen at 19:52

Fuente: http://radsoft.net/news/20101202,00.shtml



But then neither Ardin nor Wilén complained to the police but rather 'sought advice', a technique in Sweden enabling citizens to avoid just punishment for making false complaints. They sought advice together, having collaborated and irrevocably tainted each other's evidence beforehand. Their SMS texts to each other show a plan to contact the Swedish newspaper Expressen beforehand in order to maximise the damage to Assange. - James Catlin

their crime in this case carries a sentence of two years in prison but Wilén's been swallowed up by the earth and Ardin's in the middle east

The prosecutor could achieve this broadening of the law during Assange's trial so he can be convicted of a crime that didn't exist at the time he allegedly committed it. She would need to. There is no precedent for this. The Swedes are making it up as they go along. - James Catlin

Julian Assange will surely learn that considering what WikiLeaks has published, he's got a few enemies in the Pentagon, the CIA, and the White House. Sweden began an investigation into rape which was later dismissed. Assange was even denied residence in Sweden

Fuente: http://radsoft.net/news/20101202,00.shtml

It is also noted that this is not the first time Ardin has accused someone for molestation of a sexual nature in Sweden.

Ardin reportedly invited Assange to Stockholm, and was briefly appointed his press secretary during his visit.

Anna Ardin, posted a blog entry in January about the stages of revenge, and may have worked for a time, in an intern-like job, for the Swedish government in Washington DC and possibly elsewhere

Fuente: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x9712568

Let's remember Expressen's editor Thomas Mattsson's own words about why he chose to violate the strong code of Swedish journalistic ethics and out Julian Assange with the glaring 'double rape' headline: 'because Assange is famous'

Let's remember as well how several sources have spoken about the police copies of Anna Ardin's SMS messages wherein she reveals her plan to go to the media with her story of the police complaint - a plan that would lack all substance if Assange's name wasn't revealed

It's totally cool, for example, to make up a completely new story when one hears that the charges against Julian Assange have been dropped. It's totally cool to tell the police one may still have a used condom a week after the fact - because all groupies save used condoms, don't they?

And it's also totally cool to, when flustered, grab a brand new condom out of a dusty old box that's rarely been touched in ages, and rip it apart without even a fleeting thought about the fact that fingernails only yield mitochondrial DNA from one source, and condoms really used for sex always have a torrent of chromosomal DNA from two sources.

A year ago she was headed to the Middle East. Then she wasn't. She was hired on by a media organisation, then she was sacked. Then she complained they didn't pay her for work they never said they wanted.

Then she fled her flat in Tjurbergsgatan in Stockholm and changed her official state records to point to the island of Gotland instead. And then two months later changed her records back to Tjurbergsgatan again.

Fuente: http://radsoft.net/rants/20111121,00.shtml



I will just deal with one of Assange's accusers Anna Arden. In Sweden I could not even reveal her name. So perhaps you are performing an illegal act in reading this if you are Swedish.

She worked as an official with Sweden's Social Democratic Party. She was in regular contact with Mr Assange before his move to Sweden

Mr Assange's first accuser made no immediate attempt to contact the authorities. It was only when she was contacted by the second accuser four days later that the pair decided to go to the police

Indeed after the alleged rape et al Ardin arranged a "crayfish party" – a traditional Swedish summer get-together – for the following evening in honour of the WikiLeaks founder in her flat. In an entry on the woman's Twitter account, which she later tried to erase, Ardin described her joy at hosting a party for the world's most famous cyber activist. "Sitting outside nearly freezing with the world's coolest people," she wrote. "It's pretty amazing." Ardin was unaware that Assange was already flirting with another Swedish woman the second accuser. Only after this was discovered did Ardin and the other woman go to authorities to make a complaint

Within 24 hours Sweden's chief prosecutor dismissed the rape charge against Mr Assange, but the following month a separate prosecutor, Marianne Ny, reopened the case, resulting in the European arrest warrant that brought Mr Assange to court

No information about what was going on was ever conveyed to Assange until late November! He volunteered to answer questions in the UK but Swedish prosecutors would not agree

Ardin has been to Cuba and while there had ties to US financed anti=-Castro groups. She worked with one group called the Ladies in White a feminist anti-Castro group. The leader of the group is reportedly connected to the CIA.

The Ladies in White is partially funded by the US. government and also counts among its supporters Luis Posada Carriles a CIA agent convicted of terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of people

Fuente: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/7565838-who-is-anna-ardin-one-of-assanges-accusers