
#30 Entonces la proxima generacion invadira irak, en vez de comprarse un solucion habitacional.


#2 Europa fue la gran potencia mundial durante un par de milenios, vaya segundones.

Por otra parte el GPD de la EU es mayor que el de EEUU.



#5 Por desgracia todos y cada uno de ellos.

Hijos de puta.


En tiempos del centro social laboratorio 3 en Madrid. Algunos iniciamos un proyecto bajo el lema "Debajo del adoquin hay un jardin" (El lema no era nuestro, no recuerdo de quien era). La mision principal de colectivo era recuperar espacios verdes abandonados. Ni de lejos conseguiamos lo que hacen estos tipos. Chapo, por que es realmente dificil.


#42 A arremetido contra un control de la GC. Poniendo en peligro la vida de los agentes. Se ha dado a la fuga, poniendo en peligro la vida de otros usuarios de la carretera. Mejor muerto el que otros.


#169 La muerte es solo el principio ..... de tu vida a dos metros bajo tierra.


#157 A que no te atreves a decir eso en un bar gay.


#4 No es de pago, pero hay que estar registrado. Leido en ingles me parece hasta mas duro.

Spain's choice

Published: March 3 2008 02:00 | Last updated: March 3 2008 02:00

Spain's general election campaign, now reaching its climax, has been a dispiriting spectacle. Against the background of an economy weakened by the end of cheap credit and a sharp property market correction, the contenders seem to be trying to bribe or frighten Spanish voters.

That is odd. Spain in the past three decades has become a confident and prosperous democracy. For the first time, wealth has spread throughout what for centuries had been an unevenly developed country, where it had developed at all. If all you did was listen to Spanish politicians, you probably would not guess that.

Spain's public life has become very polarised. The rightwing opposition Partido Popular, in power for eight years after a 14-year Socialist reign, remains unreconciled to losing the past election, in the wake of the March 2004 Madrid train bombings by north African jihadis.

Instead of acting as a parliamentary opposition, the PP has tried to impugn constitutionally major initiatives of the Socialists, in an effort to paralyse government. Mariano Rajoy, its lacklustre leader, has failed to emerge from the shadow of José María Aznar, the former prime minister, and has colluded in a hysterical campaign by the Catholic hierarchy that calls into question the legitimacy of the government.

José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the prime minister, has been uninspiring. His social policy has aimed at creating a tolerant and decent society. He managed the macroeconomy competently but did little to address structural weaknesses such as low productivity growth, a weak technology base and a huge current account deficit. He has been self-congratulatory on economic prospects, just as he was overconfident about reaching a peace settlement with the Basque separatists of Eta.

The PP has used these negotiations as a stick to beat the government, part of an attempt to conjure up a caricature of a Spain disintegrating as Basques and Catalans demand ever more devolved power.

Mr Aznar also negotiated with Eta, and allied with regional forces, just like the Socialists - as whoever wins next Sunday may well have to do. The PP's problem is that its current leaders have not completed their journey from Francoist roots to a modern centre-right.

Revealingly, the PP is placing its hopes of victory on Socialist voters staying home; Mr Aznar's attempt to paint the 2004 Madrid bombings as the work of Eta, despite evidence it was carried out by jihadis, was worth 3m extra votes to Mr Zapatero. It is equally revealing that the Socialists do not appear confident they still have them.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008


#1 Si, de hecho en el software existen muchos desarrollos que usan licencias duales. QT o MySQL por ejemplo