
Parecía difícil, pero con un poco de insistencia me encontré a mi mismo


No se, a ver si me voy a quitar la cinta del tirón y me voy a arrancar la barba


Me ha parecido terrible que esto sea lo normal para unos niños.


#36 Habría puesto quien la subió originalmente pero la estaba compartiendo todo el mundo en twitter y no fui capaz de saber de quien era la original.


#38 Bueno, no pasa nada


A todos los que habeis clicado el falso play de la captura, os pido disculpas por no haber puesto un aviso en la entradilla, ahora ya es tarde.
Y si, yo también le he dado al play.


#18 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30

Jojojo me he reído un montón cuando la gente me ha empezado a hacer replies en Twitter (que fue donde la colgué) porque no les funcionaba el play lol. La verdad es que lo pausé para poder hacer la captura y no me di cuenta de que a lo mejor la gente lo confundía con un vídeo lol


#3 Yo diría que Carlos Sainz es el Carlos Sainz de los raid.


Hoy mismo me encontré con esta foto de Eminem que viene muy al caso.


y permanecio impasible mientras se quemaba:
Mientras se quemaba nunca movió un músculo, nunca pronunció un sonido, su compostura contrastaba con los lamentos de las personas a su alrededor de la wikipedia #1


#2 Yo imagino que tomaría algo.


#25 Lee sobre el grado mental de los practicantes del budismo o cualquier otra corriente meditativa.

#28 Los premios Darwin se dan a aquellas personas que privan a la humanidad de procrear y trasladar sus genes(aparentemente y siempre bajo juicio de la señora que los entrega) al morir o quedar incapazes de procrear. Creo que nada tiene que ver este señor con los Darwin. Ah, y a mí no me disgustaría haber tenido sus genes.

Siempre se pueden hacer comentarios y expresar opinines personales, pero a veces vale la pena informarse y saber de que se habla antes de hacerlo.

Estas cosas se escapan de la típica mentalidad occidental. Nosotros mayoritariamente vemos la muerte: o como la tragedia máxima, algo tabú, o como algo sin importancia e inevitable que no vale la pena pensar sobre ello. Dejo a parte las religiones.

Recomiendo leer El libro tibetano de la vida y la muerte

PD: de paso también recomiendo a todos que aprendais a meditar, vereis como os sentireis mucho mejor


#49 Me suena, también que morir abrasado no es comparable a pegarle un manotazo a una pila de ladrillos, pero no puedo saberlo, sólo es una sospecha.


¿Se ha roto algo?
No, pero el agua del vaso se ha convertido en vino.
No, espera, esto es sangre.
De acuerdo Física, deja de jodernos.
Dejad vosotros de buscar el Bosón de Higgs y hablaremos.


#1, completo la traducción con el texto oculto:

He leído en un artículo que la ruptura espontánea de la simetría electrodébil* es el motivo por el que tenemos alma. Y lo escribió un tipo con una carrera!!

* http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruptura_espont%C3%A1nea_de_simetr%C3%ADa_electrod%C3%A9bil


#7 #32 En la versión de su página sí que puedes enrocar: http://nanochess.110mb.com/chess4.html

Por lo que dice puedes hasta promocionar a los peones que lleguen arriba y elegir la pieza en que quieres que promocionen (presionando control y haciendole click a la pieza).


Yo lo estaba usando como una extensión de chrome y me había dado cuenta de que no estaba disponible en la web, pero no sabía que era por que aún no lo habían abierto...


#10 Cuanto más corto el texto a codificar el texto del QR es más fácil de decodificar y necesita de menos resolución para ser legible


Yo lo veo un shock terrible e innecesario para el animal. No solo por que sea cruel para el si no por que si sufre ese estrés en sus últimos momentos de vida puede derivar en problemas de salud que hagan que su carne no sea igual de buena.
(Ya, había quedado como vegetariano cool en la primera frase y luego la he cagado )


#19 el manifiesto en inglés

The Discovery Channel is broadcast to the world their commitment to saving the planet and do that immediately followed:

1. The Discovery Channel and is affiliated must have channels of television programs daily at prime time slots based on Daniel Quinn Ishmael "My" pages 207-212, where solutions to save the planet would be quite the same way as industrial revolution has been done by people based on inventive ideas of others. Emphasis should be given about how people can live without giving birth to children dirtiest man, since these additions continue polluting and pollution. A competition game show format would be in order. Perhaps forums eminent scientists who understand and agree with the science of Malthus and Darwin, the problem of human overpopulation. Do both. Do all until something works and the natural world and the improvement begins Rights stops building civilization and is reversed! Make it interesting for people WATCH and implement solutions!

2. All programs on Discovery Health, TLC must stop encouraging the birth of a child more parasite of man and the false heroism behind these actions. In fact, these programs, programs promoting male sterilization and sterility must be pushed. All programs of the former pro-birth must now grow in the direction of stopping the birth of man, not encourage it.

3. All programs promote the war and the technology behind them must stop. There is no sense in advertising for more weapons of mass destruction. Instead, talk about how to dismantle civilization and focus the message to find solutions to global conflicts mechanized military. Again, solutions solutions instead of simply repeating the same old war with new weapons. Also, keep the peace movements fraudulent. They are liars and false and had no real intention to end the war. All are FAKE! On one hand, they claim they want the war to end, on the other hand, they require increasing human population. The Second World War had two billion dollars and humans after the war, the people decided that triple the population would ensure peace. WTF??? Stupidity! More people equals more WAR!

4. Civilization must be exposed to dirt, it is. That is disgusting and all its religious and cultural and greed. Spread this message until the pollution of the planet is reversed and the human population down! It is your obligation. If you think this is not, then get the hell off the planet! Oil Breathe! It is the moral obligation of all those who live otherwise what good are they??

5. Immigration: The programs must be developed to find solutions to curb pollution ALL immigration and anchor babies that filth result. Finding solutions to stop it. Calling all people in the world to develop solutions to stop it completely and permanently. Finding solutions for these countries to stop sending their breeding populations in the United States and the world to look for jobs and therefore the pollution of more unwanted babies. Find solutions to make them stop their human development and export of this disgusting filth! (The first World fuels the growth of population in the Third World and those of family rights go to the place where the food is! They need to stop childbearing new humans in search of jobs non-existent!)
Story continues below

6. Finding solutions to global warming, traffic pollution, international trade, pollution of the factory, and the whole economy of man struck by lightning. Find ways that people do not build more housing pollution that destroys the environment to make way for more human filth! Find ways to stop people breeding and stop-based oil to reverse global warming and the destruction of the planet!

7. Develop shows that the reference to science Malthusian on how food production leads to overpopulation of the human race. Speaking of evolution. Talk of Malthus and Darwin until it sinks into the brains of stupid people, until they get it!

8. Saving the planet is to save what remains of the non-human wildlife by reducing the human population. This means stopping the human race to reproduce all the babies most disgusting man! You are the media, you can reach enough people. It is your responsibility, because you reach so many minds!

9. Expand watch that will correct and dismantle the global economy Dangerous U.S.. Finding solutions to their dire economic Ponzi-Casino before taking the world to another nuclear war.

10. Stop glorifying shows all human birth on all channels and your TLC. Future shows off weapons or replace dialogue condemning the people behind these developments so that the watch shows rather than ads on arms sales and development!

11. You will also find solutions to unemployment and housing. All these unemployed makes me think the U.S. is heading toward more war.

Humans are the most destructive, dirty, polluting the demolition and creatures around are the remains of the planet with their customs and culture false reproduction.

For all human beings are born, hectares of forest fauna must be transformed into farmland to feed this new addition in 60-100 years of life that man again! IT IS the detriment of the forest creatures! All human procreation and agriculture must be stopped!

It is the responsibility of all to preserve the planet they live not by copying other children who continue their disgusting practices. Children represent the future pollution disasters while their parents are present pollution. NO more babies! Population growth is a real crisis. Even a child born in the United States consumes 30 to a thousand times more resources than a child of the third world. It's like a couple with 30 children, even just one! If the U.S. is in this sense perhaps other countries too!

In addition, the war must be stopped. Not because it's morally reprehensible, but because of the catastrophic damage on the environment of modern weapons impose on other creatures. Solutions JUST LIKE THE BOOK says! Humans are supposed to be inventive. Inventing, damn!

The world needs of television programs that develop solutions to problems that humans are the cause, not Stupify the people by destroying the world. Not encouraging them to breed more environmentally harmful to humans.

Protecting the environment and diversity remaning species on the planet is now your state of mind. Nothing is more important than saving them. The lions, tigers, giraffes, elephants, Froggies, turtles, monkeys, raccoons, beetles, ants, sharks, bears and, of course, squirrels.

Humans? The planet does not need humans.

You must know the human population is behind all the problems of pollution and the world, and yet you encourage the opposite, instead of discouraging the growth of human and reproductive rights. Certainly, you should already know!

I want to Discovery Communications to broadcast on their channels in their programming world new program and I want proof that they do. I want new shows began by asking the public for ideas of inventive solution to save the planet and the wildlife is on this.

What are the requirements and the words of James J Lee.


How the cards were used
Card 1: $50, handed to Jason. Spends $8.69 at McDonald’s. Returns card.

Card 2: $50, to Mark. Spends $21.64 at The Corner Place restaurant. Doesn’t return. Later spends $15.50 at the LCBO.

Card 3: $75, to Joanne. Card is stolen. Over two days, $24.95 spent at McDonald’s, $38.35 at the LCBO.

Card 4: $50, to Al. Card unreturned. Balance remains at $50

Card 5: $75. Laurie buys $74.61 worth of food, phone minutes and cigarettes at a gas station convenience store. Returns card.


#1 Cómo se usaron las tarjetas:

Tarjeta 1: 50$, dada a Jason. Gastó 8.69$ en McDonalds. Devuelve la tarjeta.

Tarjeta 2: 50$, a Mark. Gasta 21.64$ en el restaurante The Corner Place (si no me equivoco, algo tipo Vips). No la devuelve. Después gasta 15.50$ en una tienda de licores.

Tarjeta 3: 75$, a Joanne. La tarjeta es robada. Después de dos días, gasta 24.95$ en McDonalds y 38.35$ en una tienda de licores.

Tarjeta 4: 50$, a Al. No devuelve la tarjeta. El balance sigue a 50$.

Tarjeta 5: 75$. Laurie se gasta 74.61$ en comida, minutos de teléfono y cigarrillos en la tienda de una gasolinera. Devuelve la tarjeta.


#5 #6 #57 C&P de un Tweet de aberron:
Primero mira esta foto http://bit.ly/bBjR5p y luego lee esto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_shutter Mola todo


He visto 3 en persona