Hace 9 años | Por Serendipio a theguardian.com
Publicado hace 9 años por Serendipio a theguardian.com

Polls have put Colau, and the Barcelona en Comú (Barcelona in Common) citizen platform she leads, in the top spot in the runup to Spain’s regional and municipal elections. A grassroots coalition of several political parties, including Podemos, and thousands of citizens and activists, Barcelona en Comú has become the brightest hope for the many in Spain pushing for democratic regeneration.



#0 Entradilla y titular en castellano, please.


Gracias a todos.Aprendí mucho de una sola vez. #1 #2 #3 #4


coño! si se catalán!


#0 ponla en el sub SShakeMe antes de que te la tumben por errónea