Hace 16 años | Por chupetina a evilbeetgossip.film.com
Publicado hace 16 años por chupetina a evilbeetgossip.film.com

Puede ser amarillista, lo sé, pero... ¿cómo pueden ser blancos los hijos de este hombre? ¿No deberían ser mestizos o mulatos? Al menos alguno de los dos...


De un comentario de la web que meneas:

Aaron Simpson Says:
February 22nd, 2007 at 1:19 pm

My Father is “Black” and My mother is White with blonde hair and Blue eyes. And I look by all accounts white, I have straight hair blue eyes and “white” skin…”How can this happen?” you say… Most “black” people in this country are part white. My father’s mother was half white. and his father was also part white. My father is dark and appears “black” however he passed down “white” genes from his ancestors to me…
Both of Michael jacksons parents are part White. His father even has green/blue eyes. It is very possible that these kids are biologically his. I teach at an elementary school that is 95% black and I see it everyday… Bi-racial kids can look just “white” or just “black” However, in most cases we appear “Mixed” a blend of both races.


¿Que más da el color de la piel? Como si son verdes y brillan en la oscuridad, ya me dirás que coño te importan los hijos de otra persona.