Hace 13 años | Por lavigaenmiojo a thecreativepenn.com
Publicado hace 13 años por lavigaenmiojo a thecreativepenn.com

Razones de una autora para vender su ebook en Amazon por menos de un dólar: There's a lot of talk about the 99 cent ebook at the moment, so I thought I would just throw in my own 99 cents worth. Pentecost is currently 99 cents on the US Kindle store, although it started out at $2.99. It's rank as I write this is shown above. Here are the reasons I am leaving it at 99 cents.



#0 entradillas y titulares en castellano,

el meneo puede ser en cualquier idioma: mandarin, ruso, polaco, vasco, hurdú, .....