Hace 13 años | Por alehopio a nyteknik.se
Publicado hace 13 años por alehopio a nyteknik.se

El ingeniero italiano Andrea Rossi, inventor y promotor del "catalizador de energía" E-CAT, posiblemente basado en la fusión fría pero cuyos principios de funcionamiento aún se desconocen; aseguró que sólo le pagarán cuando la instalación se entregue y funcione. Defkalion Green Technologies es la empresa griega que está realizando la construcción de una primera instalación de prueba de un megavatio en Atenas. Para más información http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Catalyzer



The energy catalyzer was demonstrated publicly for first time on the 14th January 2011. According to its inventor Andrea Rossi it has a closed reactor of steel that is loaded with nickel powder plus secret catalysts and pressurized with hydrogen.

It’s ‘ignited’ by heating from two electrical resistances. In a copper tube around the reactor, water heated by the reactor is flowing.

The heat is generated from an unknown reaction, according to Rossi himself, and according to Professor Sven Kullander and Associate Professor Hanno Essén probably a nuclear reaction.

The concept of cold fusion has been mentioned and would refer to a nuclear reaction between hydrogen and nickel, producing copper. Another term is LENR – Low Energy Nuclear Reaction.

Many physicists are very skeptical. Partly because fusion of nuclei, which with their positive charges repel each other (the Coulomb barrier), requires hundreds of millions of degrees according to current knowledge, and partly because fusion should produce very high levels of gamma radiation.

The debate has gained new momentum after Professor Sven Kullander and Associate Professor Hanno Essén participated in a test on 29 March and found that the measured values can only be explained by a nuclear reaction, while an isotopic analysis of the used nickel powder raised questions.

Among the most critical is Peter Ekström, lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Physics at Lund University in Sweden. After a thorough discussion he concludes: ‘I am convinced that the whole story is one big scam, and that it will be revealed in less than one year.’

Slightly more cautious in his skepticism, Kjell Aleklett, physics professor at Uppsala University in Sweden, summarizes his discussion: ’I myself have nothing against to reveal a scam, or join in and verify something that no one could imagine. Both extremes belong to that which makes life as a researcher incredibly interesting.’

An intense debate is also being held on the Wikipedia discussion page related to the article ‘Energy catalyzer’, and in many other forums.

However, to date no one have been able to explain the measured values that Ny Teknik now has been able to confirm.

The inventor Andrea Rossi is planning an installation of 300 energy catalyzers at a total of one megawatt in Greece in October 2011.



Prof David Nagel, research professor, micro and nano technologies, George Washington University, USA. “There will not be any radiation or radioactive waste in this mode of power generation.”

Prof Nagel was addressing students and faculty attending the tutorial school on “Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions” in IIT Madras on Saturday.

According to him, two Italian scientists, Prof Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi, had demonstrated a 10 KW LENR reactor at Bologna on January 14.



"This is the greatest discovery in human history," and went on to say that "The results will be immense: clean energy at (almost) zero cost."



Lewan, who has a master’s degree in engineering physics from the Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, Sweden, reported the results of the two confirmatory tests in an article titled "Ny Teknik Tested the Energy Catalyzer." His independence, data reporting, and very clear video presentation lend credibility to Rossi's claim.



NyTeknik Validates Rossi's Energy Catalyzer


The Swedish website Ny Teknik has been providing detailed coverage of Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer technology. Engineer Mats Lewan of Ny Teknik has released positive test results and video from two additional tests of the E-Cat. The validations keep on coming!


Most of the news about the E-Cat has been reported in blogs operated by people and organizations interested in energy issues, and in the general press and media in Italy, Sweden, Greece and throughout Europe. By contrast, the Energy Catalyzer has received virtually no coverage in the U.S. mainstream media. The American media seems either unwilling or unable to grasp the significance of the Energy Catalyzer, or is omitting discussion of it for other reasons. The absence of news about the Energy Catalyzer, we could postulate, might be because it poses a threat to powerful American corporations that both control big media outlets and are vested in the energy production status quo. (Think General Electric, which both owns NBC and manufactures traditional nuclear fission reactors.)



#10 Lo han demostrado en dos universidades





#5 Tu comentario es una falacia ad hominem. Para acusar tendrás que presentar alguna prueba o razonamiento que se sostenga, pero como no puedes (como tampoco pudieron encontrar ningún fraude los científicos de la Universidad de Bolonia y de la Universidad de Upsala que lo han estudiado) pues quedarás como un faltón...


#6 ¿Ad hominem? ¿Pero qué dices? Yo no me he metido con nadie por ser quien es quitandole razones, ¿o te has creído que va por ti?. Digo que es una magufada porque el pollo no ha desvelado la forma de reproducirlo, es otro menda que vende la fusión fría, como ya ha ocurrido en el pasado La fusión fría como ejemplo de ciencia patológica

o Avances en Fusión Fría: Parece que Ahora Sí
Hace 17 años | Por juanjopetazeta a caerolus.com
Científicos japoneses afirman haber obtenido la fusión fría [EN]
Hace 16 años | Por jorgito a physicsworld.com
Un nuevo artículo deja la puerta abierta hacia la fusión fría gracias a la sonoluminiscencia
, construyendo castillos de naipes en el aire, y máquinas que misteriosamente se rompen cuando tienen que realizar de nuevo el mismo proceso.
Lo malo es que a ti, y algún otro parece que os la han colado. Pues lo siento mucho, pero esta vez el primo eres tú. No soy yo el tiene que probar nada, es este pollo italiano y sus colegas.