Hace 13 años | Por alehopio a .nhk.or.jp
Publicado hace 13 años por alehopio a .nhk.or.jp

35 reactores japoneses están a punto de estar apagados simultáneamente, a causa del terremoto y otras razones por lo que llevarán a que sólo un tercio de sus 54 reactores estén en funcionamiento a finales de mayo. Los eventos del 11 de marzo han dado lugar a la suspensión de las operaciones en 14 reactores. Otros 19 reactores están actualmente desconectados al estar sometidos a inspecciones periódicas o plan para comprobar su estado. Al final de la semana 2 más en Hamaoka serán desconectados por petición del gobierno. 5 más para el verano...



Setsuden, thus, is the buzz word all over the Internet right now. There is a "reduce electricity consumption" page at METI, the government ministry, thanking you for turning off your electrical toilet and other appliances. There is even main stream media pitching in, as well as industry pages and blogs...."



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35 Japanese reactors are soon to be out of line

Japan is shutting down so many nuclear reactors because of the earthquake and other reasons that only about a third of its 54 reactors will be operating by late May.

The earthquake and tsunami on March 11th has led to the suspension of operations at 14 reactors, including those at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant. 19 other reactors are currently offline. They are currently undergoing regular inspections or plan to be inspected soon.

Later this week Chubu Electric Power Company will shut down 2 of its reactors at the Hamaoka plant. The move follows a government request to do so, due to concerns about the plant's earthquake readiness.

All told, 35, or about two-thirds, of Japan's commercial reactors will have been shut down by the end of May.

During the next few months, 5 more reactors will have to be shut down ahead of regular inspections.

If the utilities decide to keep these 40 reactors offline for the time being, Japan will have about 75 percent of its reactors shutdown this summer.

Thursday, May 12, 2011 18:28 +0900 (JST)



The power shortage has caused the decline of production and export of Toyota, Hitachi, Sony, and Esan, the major Japanese automakers. If the problem in Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant persists, Japan may face the shortage of at least 10 million kilowatts electric power this summer and may fuel economic slowdown not only in Japan but also in its major trading partners and eventually in the globe.


The principal challenge in dealing with the expected power shortage this summer will be how to curb consumption during the afternoon hours when electricity demand peaks due to the use of air conditioners.



En Japón se derrumbaron los mitos de las actuales plantas de energía nuclear:
- segura, Daiichi
- no contaminante, Fukushima
- fiable, 75% apagados

Normal que el gobierno de marcha atrás a sus planes pronucleares y se pasen a las renovables

Japón descarta plan previsto para aumentar su dependencia de energía nuclear
Japón descarta plan previsto para aumentar su dependencia de energía nuclear

Hace 13 años | Por alehopio a noticias.terra.com


#1 ... imprescindible. No, 75% apagados.


Es excelente que acaben con una energia cara y peligrosa, y que para funcionar necesita rescates y subvenciones.


y para cuando el 100%?