Hace 15 años | Por BoGaRDaN a newschoolinexile.com
Publicado hace 15 años por BoGaRDaN a newschoolinexile.com

Estudiantes de la New School University de Nueva York han ocupado su universidad en solidaridad con las ocupaciones y revueltas estudiantiles en España, Francia, Italia y Grecia. ¿Qué debe pensar Obama al respecto?



Las rebueltas estudiantiles me revuelven el estómago...

A pesar de ello: ¡¡NO A BOLONIA!!!



Madre de Dios... está claro que hay que protestar contra la educación actual...


#6 Es errónea, no mencionan ni a España ni a Grecia por ningún sitio, sus demandas son otras:

Demands of the Occupation

We, the students of The New School, demand:

1. Amnesty for all participants in this student movement, including Elliot Liu. Staff and security guards affected by this protest shall receive appropriate compensation and no repercussions for dutiful fulfillment of their jobs;

2. That students may use the GF building at 65 Fifth Avenue until a suitable replacement is secured, that all capital improvements at the university shall be suspended and these funds shall be redirected toward (a) an autonomous student space where we can study and engage in group work, (b) scholarships and tuition, (c) a respectable library, that students will be included in the decision-making process in order to establish a viable plan for a student space;

3. That all investments and finances shall be fully disclosed so as to permit complete transparency and intelligibility of the creation of a Socially Responsible Investment committee;

4. That an equitable and authoritative tripartite committee including faculty, staff, and students to select an interim provost as well as a permanent replacement for provost, and a new president and vice president, for which there will be no presidential veto for this committee's decision;

5. That there be regularly appointed a student as voting member on board of trustees; and

6. That President Bob Kerrey, Executive Vice President Jim Murtha, and Treasurer Robert Millard be removed from their present positions at the University.

We ask that these demands are binding, and that they be met in writing, on New School University letterhead, signed by President Kerrey or members of the Board of Trustees, BEFORE we leave this building, and that they be presented to students in the second week of spring semester.



La chispa de Grecia incendió Francia
La chispa de Grecia incendió Francia

Hace 15 años | Por alehopio a radiomundial.com.ve

20/12 Convocatoria para un día de movilizaciones coordinadas en Europa en solidaridad con Grecia
20/12 Convocatoria para un día de movilizaciones coordinadas en Europa en solidaridad con Grecia
Hace 15 años | Por crastpanc a barcelona.indymedia.org

Los anti-Bolonia, con la vista puesta en Grecia: ¿habrá efecto contagio?
Los anti-Bolonia, con la vista puesta en Grecia: ¿habrá efecto contagio?
Hace 15 años | Por omep a soitu.es



Al menos la semilla de un "algo" está sembrada en los apoltronados jóvenes. Creo que nunca se nos ha ninguneado tanto haciéndonos creer en un futuro entre algodones capitalista para luego dejarte estampado en el mercado laboral, la vivienda, el clasismo, etc.

Si la gente ve normal que estés hasta los 30+ años en tu casa materna por no poder salir sólo a vivir, que te retrasen la incorporación laboral por tanta materia lectiva inútil y desfasada de la realidad que siga jugando a las playstations. Los que no, algo deberían empezar a hacer porque los viejales de arriba no se van mover ni un dedo. Es un buen momento para otro "Mayo".


¡¡¡Que se extienda, que se extienda!!!


From New York City:

We have just occupied New School University, New York

We liberate this space for ourselves, and all those who want to join us,
for our general autonomous use. We take the university in explicit
solidarity with those occupying the universities and streets in Greece,
Italy, France and Spain.

This occupation begins as a response to specific conditions at the New
School, the corporatization of the university and the impoverishment of
education in general. However, it is not just this university but also
New York City that is in crisis: in the next several months, thousands
of us will be losing our jobs, while housing remains unaffordable and
unavailable to many and the cost of living skyrockets.

So we stress that the general nature of these intolerable conditions
exists across the spectrum of capitalist existence, in our universities
and our cities, in all of our social relations. For this reason, what
begins tonight at the New School cannot, and should not, be contained here.

Thus: with this occupation, we inaugurate a sequence of revolt in New
York City and the United States, a coming wave of occupations,
blockades, and strikes in this time of crisis.

Be assured, this is only the beginning,
With solidarity and love from New York to Greece,
To Italy, France and Spain,
To the coming insurrection.

- New School Occupation Committee

New School Occupation Committee


Que daño esta haciendo el Ingles al mundo.


¿Os estais dando cuenta la gana que tiene la gente de montarla, de quejarse, de hacer oir su voz? Aún no saben con qué, ni para qué, pero saben que están mal. En el momento que se den cuenta de dónde dirigir el tiro ya vereis como se lia parda.


¿Que debe pensar Obama al respecto? que la gente se aburre mucho


Pero... en el enlace no dice nada de España... de hecho, hace una vaga referencia a Europa y poco más...


#0 Edita la entradilla. La noticia es interesante como para que se la descarte por una errada ortográfica.


#5 ¿¿¿Dónde dice eso???

Edito: aaaahhh en la carta, ok, mea culpa


#0 Gracias.


Carta que nos ha llegado a varios sindicatos de estudiantes:

From New York City:

We have just occupied New School University, New York

We liberate this space for ourselves, and all those who want to join us,
for our general autonomous use. We take the university in explicit
solidarity with those occupying the universities and streets in Greece,
Italy, France and Spain.

This occupation begins as a response to specific conditions at the New
School, the corporatization of the university and the impoverishment of
education in general. However, it is not just this university but also
New York City that is in crisis: in the next several months, thousands
of us will be losing our jobs, while housing remains unaffordable and
unavailable to many and the cost of living skyrockets.

So we stress that the general nature of these intolerable conditions
exists across the spectrum of capitalist existence, in our universities
and our cities, in all of our social relations. For this reason, what
begins tonight at the New School cannot, and should not, be contained here.

Thus: with this occupation, we inaugurate a sequence of revolt in New
York City and the United States, a coming wave of occupations,
blockades, and strikes in this time of crisis.

Be assured, this is only the beginning,
With solidarity and love from New York to Greece,
To Italy, France and Spain,
To the coming insurrection.

- New School Occupation Committee

New School Occupation Committee