Hace 12 años | Por alehopio a washingtonpost.com
Publicado hace 12 años por alehopio a washingtonpost.com

Los precios del petróleo subieron hoy debido a que Irán está estudiando cortar de forma inmediata las ventas de petróleo a Europa como represalia por el embargo que paulatinamente Europa ha planeado efectuar sobre Irán. Estas ventas representan cerca del 18% del petróleo que sale de Irán pero en general la economía europea se verá más perjudicada por la falta inmediata de este flujo vital que la ya maltrecha economía iraní.



Many Iranian lawmakers and officials have called for an immediate ban on oil exports to the European bloc before its ban fully goes into effect in July, arguing that the 27 EU nations account for only about 18 percent of Iran’s overall oil sales and would be hurt more by the decision than Iran. China, a key buyer of Iranian crude, has blasted the embargo.



But it is at least as likely that Iran, feeling trapped, will lash out in a desperate attempt to frighten the Europeans into backing down or at least introduce so much hysteria into the oil market that price spikes will allow it to earn the same revenue from a reduced volume of exports.



El parlamento iraní votará el 29 de enero si corta el flujo de su petróleo hacia Europa como respuesta al embargo europeo contra Irán que está en marcha desde el día 23 de enero y será definitivo el 1 de julio.



Along with oil embargo, the EU also froze the assets of the Iranian central bank within the EU, while ensuring that legitimate trade can continue under strict conditions. Trade in gold, precious metals and diamonds with Iranian public bodies and the central bank will no more be permitted, nor will the delivery of Iranian-denominated banknotes and coinage to the Iranian central bank.



Y mientra aquí hacemos embargos que dañan nuestra economía, los países vecinos de Irán firman más y más acuerdos provechosos...

Pakistan has signed an agreement for purchase of gas from Tehran under the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain said on Wednesday.


Iran will continue to sell much the same volume of oil - 2.6 million barrels per day or around 3 percent of world supply - but almost all of it will flow to China, they reason. And being pretty much Iran's only remaining customer, Beijing will be able to negotiate a much reduced price.



..ante la duda, la más tetuda


Saldrá más caro la gasolina que un coche.. ya veras, les va a salir caro no respetar (como a cualquier país) a Irán