Hace 8 años | Por Horned a relatingtomen.com
Publicado hace 8 años por Horned a relatingtomen.com

Ahora que Jasmin Newman está siendo acosada por defender los derechos de los hombres recuerdo su «Carta a los hombres de una ex feminista lesbiana radical»



joder, muy buena. Gracias por el aporte. Da un poco de esperanza pensar que el feminismo radical y misándrico tiene cura... algunas veces.


#3 "The slur “misogynist” has become a compliment for genuinely free thinkers. It comes from these feminists who apparently don’t know what it means. They sling it at people who support equal rights and respect women, whilst bearing all of the hallmarks of genuinely hating the vast majority of women themselves. This is exactly what feminism has become. Having acquired ‘equal rights’ they now wish to change the nature of both man and woman."

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