Hace 8 años | Por --503250-- a planetacurioso.com
Publicado hace 8 años por --503250-- a planetacurioso.com

¿Estás listo para resolver el enigma? Sólo tienes que encontrar una letra oculta entre 70 puntos de colores.



Éste me parece infinitamente mejor: http://kuku-kube.com.


That was AMAZING! Not only did you pass, the fact that you were able to see all the letters across the spectrum proves that you have incredible vision and a particularly trained eye. This means that you are highly imaginative and can see better than the average person, and live in a more colorful, vivid world.

De algo me tenía que servir mi entrenamiento diario en Paleografía


That was AMAZING! Not only did you pass, the fact that you were able to see all the letters across the spectrum proves that you have incredible vision and a particularly trained eye. This means that you are highly imaginative and can see better than the average person, and live in a more colorful, vivid world.


Que estupendo tengo vista de lince, a pesar de mis tropecientasmil horas delante del ordenador.