Hace 9 años | Por Yiteshi a bigstory.ap.org
Publicado hace 9 años por Yiteshi a bigstory.ap.org

Venezuelans are dumping their rapidly-depreciating currency at a quicker pace, leading to a staggering plunge in its free-market value, as the crisis-plagued economy edges closer to an outbreak of hyperinflation.

DolarToday, a widely followed website that tracks exchanges made near the Colombian border, reported Friday that the bolivar had lost a quarter of its value over the last seven days.

Everyone in smartphone-obsessed Caracas seemed to learn of the crash at the same time as the DolarToday app, a ubiquitous tool in the South American country, sent out a series of messages announcing the new rates under the headline "hyperinflation!"

Venezuelan currency was trading at around 420 bolivars per dollar Friday afternoon, according to the site. That was down from 300 bolivars per dollar on May 14 and 173 at the start of the year.



Cuando ocurren estos pánicos es porque algo va a pasar. Así que atentos.


#0 creo que solo en SShakeme o NNews se permiten enviar noticias en ingles exclusivamente. Ummm


#2 Aquí también.


Joder, siempre echando pestes de Venezuela, ¿por qué no mencionáis a Ruanda, a Zimbawe o a Haití y su flamante capitalismo salvaje? ¿Eh? ¿eh? ¿eh?


Yo escuché a un político de coleta proponiendo eso para España.