Hace 8 años | Por Gol_en_Contra a bullshido.net
Publicado hace 8 años por Gol_en_Contra a bullshido.net

Así es: ser pateado y mamporreado es malo para ti. Se ha hablado mucho en los medios acerca de las lesiónes por traumatismo cerebral, especialmente con respecto de jugadores profesionales de fútbol americano. Investigadores canadienses han publicado recientemente un estudio, en el cual demuestran una correlación entre contusiónes y suicidio, también en personas que no cobran millones por aporrear mutuamente sus cabezas.



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We identified 235 110 patients with a concussion. Their mean age was 41 years, 52% were men, and most (86%) lived in an urban location. A total of 667 subsequent suicides occurred over a median follow-up of 9.3 years, equivalent to 31 deaths per 100 000 patients annually or 3 times the population norm.

Weekend concussions were associated with a one-third further increased risk of suicide compared with weekday concussions (relative risk 1.36, 95% confidence interval 1.14–1.64). The increased risk applied regardless of patients' demographic characteristics, was independent of past psychiatric conditions, became accentuated with time and exceeded the risk among military personnel. Half of these patients had visited a physician in the last week of life.