Hace 10 años | Por gomadós a strange-loops.com
Publicado hace 10 años por gomadós a strange-loops.com

Un interesante artículo sobre el segundo gran autor de la tradición taoísta y su visión del lenguaje. El autor propone una radical visión materialista en la que la idea de flujo y gran atractor (propia de la teoría fractal) puede ayudar a entender la radical ironía anti-metafísica de los escritos de Chuang-Tzu



Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V: "If words can be compared to matter (and why not, give their equally dubious ontological status?!) and "grammar" can be compared to the Strange Attractors (patterns which are "real" but only "come into existence" in the presence of words and are only "real" IN the words), then we may also compare Chuang Tzu's Spillover Linguistics with the chaos theory of such mages as Prigogine and Ralph Abraham, and launch the science (or pseudo-science) of chaos linguistics. This useful fiction will be born under the sign of what Feyerabend calls "anarchist (or dada) epistemology" - a kind of anti-Method already dreamed by Chuang Tzu."