Hace 10 años | Por TheUglyStranger a github.com
Publicado hace 10 años por TheUglyStranger a github.com

There are some problems with CTF write-ups in general:

- They’re scattered across the interwebs.
- They don’t usually include the original files needed to solve the challenge.
- Some of them are incomplete or skip ‘obvious’ parts of the explanation, and are therefore not as helpful for newcomers often they disappear when the owner forgets to renew their domain or shuts down their blog.

This repository aims to solve those problems.

It’s a collection of CTF source files and write-ups that anyone can contribute to. Did you just publish a CTF write-up? Let us know, and we’ll add a link to your post — or just add the link yourself and submit a pull request. Spot an issue with a solution? Correct it, and send a pull request.