Hace 14 años | Por huberto252 a sacbee.com
Publicado hace 14 años por huberto252 a sacbee.com

Impresionantes fotos del regreso del Endeavour a la tierra. Space shuttle Endeavour and its six astronauts closed out the last major construction mission at the International Space Station with a smooth landing in darkness that struck many as bittersweet. Only one flight remains for Endeavour, the baby of the shuttle fleet. Overall, just four missions remain. During the two-week, 5.7 million-mile (9.2 million-kilometer) journey, commander George Zamka and his crew delivered and installed a new space station room, Tranquility, and a big bay win



El título está en vasco o en polaco, tienes que rectificarlo roll


Joder, la segunda foto es acojonante, pareciera el mismísimo dedo de dios! lol