Hace 8 años | Por zoezoe a youtube.com
Publicado hace 8 años por zoezoe a youtube.com

Los Rolling Stones se disponen a interpretar "Sympathy For The Devil", mientras "Los Ángeles del Infierno" desafían a los fans con tacos de billar. La violencia se palpa en el ambiente, literalmente, a pocos pies de la banda. Las expresiones de shock, las lágrimas en los rostros de los asistentes al concierto de Almont, etc., etc., conforman este documento sociológico del fragmento de la película de los hermanos Maysles "Gimme Shelter" que se utilizó como prueba en el juicio del asesino de Meredith Hunter.



Visto @ http://dangerousminds.net/comments/altamont_the_rolling_stones_the_hells_angels_and_the_inside_story_of_rocks_

Like some hippie version of The Walking Dead, we just followed whoever was in the lead. We assumed the people in front knew where the fuck they were going. It soon became clear we were on the right path when we started encountering people scattered throughout the hilly scrub lying on their backs, curled up in fetal positions or sitting upright with fear etched on their faces. We were on the periphery of a psychic warzone and these were the first casualties – people tripping on low-grade LSD, speed and alcohol. I parted from the zombie march and went to the nearest person struggling through a bad trip. She was a young girl and she was severely freaked-out. This encounter set the tone for most of my experience of the Altamont rock festival...