Hace 9 años | Por UnbiddenHorse a elconfidencial.com
Publicado hace 9 años por UnbiddenHorse a elconfidencial.com

Un resquicio legal ha cambiado el panorama que se dibujaba para esta temporada. Fernando Alonso saldría perjudicado ya que resta posibilidades de éxito a su congelado motor Honda.



esta noticia es erronea , mirad los comentarios de reddit, no solo no les joden si no que estan igual o mejor que antes.


Honda just got shafted. How miserable it is to be the only engine manufacturer that cannot modify/upgrade throughout the year. Better luck in 2016 McLaren.

Not necessarily. This doesn't mean the other guys get more development. It just means they can wait till longer to finish it (which means running an an engine with incomplete upgrades till they do).

Not sure this is really an advantage.

[–]McLarendrmariothiessen 12 puntos 7 hours ago

Yeah, there seems to be a lot of confusion here. To allow Honda to make in-season upgrades would give them a massive advantage over the other manufacturers, as they would have never had to homologate their engine. They're simply being held the same standard as the other manufacturers. It literally doesn't change their prospects in the least.

[–]McLarenElRed_ 8 puntos 4 hours ago

Well it does because any upgrades that come from other teams during the season, cannot be applied to the Honda engine. So if something groundbreaking comes along that everyone finds out about, Honda are instantly on the back foot. They'll know about it, but not be able to use it.

The teams already here with engines from 2014 will be able to bring 32 tokens worth of upgrades as they see fit. Honda will have to wait until the 2016 to implement then, where as Mercedes and other teams could even start trailing 2016 upgrades in their 2015 cars towards the end of the season.

[–]Jenson Buttonjrmy 12 puntos 4 hours ago

I think they need to provide a clarification before we know if that will be true.

One interpretation is that you can only race a homologated engine. It's either the 2014 engine or the 2015 engine. So essentially teams can delay racing their 2015 engine until later in the season. Until then they must race the 2014 engine. So it essentially allows a team to develop the engine but not race it until later in the year. Once they race it, that is their 2015 engine. No race to race upgrades or anything like that.

Honda, who doesn't have a 2015 homologated engine, must homologate their 2015 engine to race. They can start development on the 2016 engine, but those develops couldn't be brought later in the season.

So the end result is we may see the start of the season being 2014 engines vs honda 2015. Then at random points later in the season other teams drop in the 2015 engine.

[–]Amazingkai 1 punto 7 minutes ago

I think the wording of the article and the rules means that you start off with the 2014 homologated engine and you can introduce upgrades to it that are in line with the token system. These partially upgraded engines can be raced. Homologation happens whenever the teams decide, when they expend all their tokens or at the end of the season, whichever comes first.

Why this happens is because there is no specifc wording that forbids teams from upgrading the engine as long as you stick to the token system, the only clause that stops teams from upgrading the engine mid-season is the homologation date. If no date is specified, then it makes sense that you could, for example, use a 2014 engine with 10 tokens of modifications (so really a 2014 version 1.5) and race that.

This gives a big advantage compared to simply delaying the introduction of the 2015 engine because you can introduce a few parts at a time and see how they work, rather than introducing everything at once and not knowing how they integrate together.


Esto acerca a Alonso a Le Mans


Alonso es gafe.


Alonso-McLaren-Mercedes................30millones de euros,por mi como si se la pelan.