Hace 3 años | Por me_joneo_pensan... a as.com
Publicado hace 3 años por me_joneo_pensando_en_ti a as.com

16 de abril de 1994. Escocia. Glasgow Rangers contra Raith Rovers. Por primera vez en la historia de Gran Bretaña, Duncan Ferguson sería sentenciado a tres meses de prisión por una agresión en un terreno de juego. Sigue siendo el único. Al año siguiente, Ferguson fue declarado culpable de agresión en el Tribunal del Sheriff de Glasgow después de perder su apelación y fue sentenciado a tres meses de cárcel. Cumplió 44 días en la prisión de Barlinnie antes de ser liberado y la Asociación de Fútbol de Escocia también le sancionó con 12 partidos.



Que éste fuese al talego y no Vinnie Jones o Roy Keane...


#1 O Maradona.


#1 Por poner un poco de contexto a tu comentario, Vinnie Jones era un psicópata:


#1 La liga inglesa hasta hace relativamente poco (unos 15 años, más o menos) estaba repleta de borrachos y macarras: Vinnie, Keane, Barton, Wise, Merson, Gascoigne, etc.

#3 El Wimbledon era apodado The Crazy Gang, uno de los mayores ejemplos de fútbol piedra que he visto en mi vida. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crazy_Gang_(football)



Referee Kenny Clark did not see the incident, but Ferguson was subsequently charged and found guilty of assault. As it was his third conviction for assault, in addition to two other convictions, he received a three-month prison sentence in October 1995. The SFA banned Ferguson for 12 matches before the court case was heard.

(Convictions for physical altercations):

Ferguson has had four convictions for assault – two arising from taxi rank scuffles, one an altercation with a fisherman in an Anstruther pub, and one for his on-field headbutt on Raith Rovers defender John McStay in 1994 while playing for Rangers, which resulted in a rare conviction for an on-the-field incident.

The first incident led to a £100 fine for headbutting a policeman and a £25 fine for a Breach of the Peace, while the second resulted in a £200 fine for punching and kicking a supporter on crutches. He was sentenced to a year's probation for the third offence. For the 1994 on-the-field headbutting, he received and served a three-month jail term for assault. Ferguson's troubles with the law and his imprisonment inspired Finnish composer Osmo Tapio Räihälä to write a symphonic poem as a "musical portrait" of Ferguson, titled Barlinnie Nine.
