Hace 2 meses | Por Feindesland
Publicado hace 2 meses por Feindesland



Aquí también hay diversidad de opiniones:

ChatGPT dice:
El texto que has citado es de Will Self, un escritor británico conocido por su estilo distintivo y su capacidad para explorar temas urbanos y psicológicos. Este fragmento pertenece a su libro "Dorian: An Imitation", publicado en 2002. La obra es una reinterpretación contemporánea de "El retrato de Dorian Gray" de Oscar Wilde, situada en el contexto del Londres de finales del siglo XX y principios del XXI.

Will Self es un autor prolífico que ha escrito novelas, cuentos y ensayos, y es conocido por su uso del lenguaje y su enfoque en la vida urbana moderna. Su trabajo a menudo explora la alienación y la complejidad de la existencia en la metrópoli moderna.

Perplexity es más conciso:
El autor del texto es Alfonso Reyes

Y Gemini (que insiste en hablarme en inglés):
The author of the text you provided is Refaat Alareer, a Palestinian poet, professor, and activist. The text is an excerpt from his poem "Las calles ilegibles," which was published in Spanish in 2023.

Alareer was born in 1953 in the village of al-Dawaymeh in the Negev desert. He studied literature at Birzeit University and the University of Exeter, and he taught at Birzeit University for many years. He was a leading figure in Palestinian cultural life, and he was known for his powerful and often disturbing poetry, which explored themes of exile, displacement, and resistance.

Alareer was assassinated by Israeli forces on December 7, 2023. His death was a major loss for Palestinian culture, and it was condemned by writers and activists around the world.

Here are some additional details about Refaat Alareer:

He was awarded the Palestine Prize for Culture in 2019.
His poetry has been translated into many languages, including English, French, German, and Hebrew.
He was a strong supporter of the Palestinian right of return and a critic of the Israeli occupation.


#2 lol lol lol

Campos de Londres, de Martin Amis.

lol lol



#3 Vamos, que no acierta ninguno de los tres


#4 Eso es. Y se trata d eun libro muy conocido que se suponía tedrían en sus bases de datos...


¿Esto lo has subido ya? He tenido una sensación de deja vu al leerlo