Hace 3 años | Por The_Ignorator a dailymotion.com
Publicado hace 3 años por The_Ignorator a dailymotion.com

'There's a high flyin' bird, flying way up in the sky
And I wonder if she looks down, as she goes on by?
Well, she's flying so freely in the sky
Lord, look at me here
I'm rooted like a tree here
Got those sit-down
Can't cry Oh Lord, gonna die blues
Now the sun it comes up and lights up the day
And when he gets tired, Lord, he goes on down his way
To the east and to the west
He meets God every day
Lord, look at me here
I'm rooted like a tree here
Got those sit-down, can't cry
Oh Lord, gonna die blues
Now I had a woman
Lord, she lived down ...



¡Que es viernes, madafacas!

Siempre me ha flipado este tema y me flipa la voz como de "negra vieja" afrodescendiente de edad avanzada que creí que sacaba Grace Slick (la cantante), hasta que ví en video que era uno de los guitarristas el que saca esa voz que tanto me cautiva (Jorma Kaukonen, creo).