Hace 11 años | Por blp a ukcolumn.org
Publicado hace 11 años por blp a ukcolumn.org

Miles de niños robados por Gobierno del Reino Unido cada año - ex jefe de seguridad OTAN



Anda!!! Y yo pensaba que solo robaban niños los que eran franquistas!!

Aquí se ve que aunque es abominable, ha pasado en muchos paises en esa época.


De uno de los comentarios:

"Lambeth Police Station Paedo Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal

In November 1997 the South London Press reported the finding of a sex dungeon complete with manacles , chains , bedding and a sleazy red light in Lambeth High-Security Police Head Quarters in South London. The civilian staff who leaked the story were suspended and Officers from Scotland Yard’s Criminal Investigation Bureau were called in. From the copious amounts of child pornography found at the Police Station, it was soon realised that Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to the Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography. It is believed several senior Police Officers were renting out Children and using the Police Station as a brothel."

¿En que mundo vivimos?


British Children taken in to care to order by paedophile networks PLUS ALL Mary Moss Guest House paedophile VIP party documents and guest lists: