Hace 18 años | Por --761-- a donkeymagic.co.uk
Publicado hace 18 años por --761-- a donkeymagic.co.uk

Genera mapas de Google de forma sencilla con Google Map Maker. Usa el mapa para encontrar localizaciones, activa los controles, haz click sobre el lugar donde quieres añadir un marcador, añadele información. y genera el codigo fuente para agregarlo a tu sitio web. Tan facil.



#1 Seguro? porque yo he podido localizar mi barrio, asignarle un marker y probar el codigo en mi web.


Pasos a seguir:

1. Zoom and Navigate using the map controls to the place you want to add your marker
2. Activate the controls
3. Click on the map in the place where you want to add a marker - the location latitude and longitude is updated in the form
4. Give your marker a name and add some content for it's popup (The Popup Content can contain HTML as long as it it well formed).
5. Click the 'Add marker' button and your marker will appear on the map.
6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 to add as many markers as you need
7. When are happy with your map and have added all your markers click the Generate code button, and the HTML you need will appear in the field below. Copy the code to a page on your website and change the API key and the link to your marker graphics.
8. Get your own API key from Google and create some graphics for your markers or just download mine


Muy interesante pero solo vale para el Reino Unido.