Hace 11 años | Por --239514-- a thehill.com
Publicado hace 11 años por --239514-- a thehill.com

Una asociación de comercio que representa a Google, Yahoo, Cisco y Oracle ha salido en defensa de la controversial acta de ciberseguridad que será votada la próxima semana. [ vía http://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1c833l/tech_group_representing_google_yahoo_backs_cispa/ ]



lo dudo, mas que nada porque google ya se posiciono en contra la ultima vez, asi que lo cojo con pinzas...


#2 It's taking a while for companies to reach alignment on exactly what measures to take (SOPA, CISPA, or something else) that will maximize their profits, but they're finally figuring out how to align... and that isn't good news for those people who are not corporations.

Don't look evil.


Como bien dicen en reddit...

Yes, it's still a very bad idea. See the EFF's position.

There is no reason to think that Google or any other company will stand behind measures that are actually good for people. A company's primary mission is to make money for their shareholders, everything else is optional.

It's taking a while for companies to reach alignment on exactly what measures to take (SOPA, CISPA, or something else) that will maximize their profits, but they're finally figuring out how to align... and that isn't good news for those people who are not corporations.


Joder, esto es un no parar de leyes de "control"... Conocéis el Proyecto Indect?¿ http://www.meneame.net/search.php?q=indect


Claro chatos. Defended a Google lo que queráis pero es el nuevo monopolio