Hace 12 años | Por radio0 a rawstory.com
Publicado hace 12 años por radio0 a rawstory.com

El Dr. James Hansen , fue detenido junto a 139 manifestantes que participan en una serie de manifestaciones en contra de la previsión del transporte de crudo por un valor de 7.000 millones de dólares a través de la empresa "Keystone Pipeline XL". La distribución y tráfico de crudo sería de 500.000 barriles por día de la costa del Golfo de Texas hacia el norte de Estados Unidos. Hansen,es un veterano de 44 años de la agencia espacial del país, y es quizás el científico sobre climatología más conocido del mundo.



#2 Tienes razón, de verdad. Controversias, según wikipedia.

Hansen has stated that NASA administrators have tried to influence his public statements about the causes of climate change.[76][77] Hansen said that NASA public relations staff were ordered to review his public statements and interviews after a December 2005 lecture at the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco. NASA responded that its policies are similar to those of any other federal agency in requiring employees to coordinate all statements with the public affairs office without exception.[78] Two years after Hansen and other agency employees described a pattern of distortion and suppression of climate science by political appointees, the agency’s inspector general found that the NASA Office of Public Affairs had mischaracterized the science of climate change intended for the public.[79]

Hansen has also appeared on 60 Minutes stating that the George W. Bush White House edited climate-related press releases reported by federal agencies to make global warming seem less threatening.[80] He also stated that he was unable to speak freely without the backlash of other government officials, and that he has not experienced that level of restrictions on communicating with the public during his career.[80]


Menuda dictadura mundial que nos estamos chupando por lo bajini...
#6 Quizás quería ligar con ella: Detenida la actriz Daryl Hanna por protestar enfrente de la Casa Blanca

Hace 12 años | Por bhuko a abc.es


El mismo que dijo: "The five warmest years over the last century occurred in the last eight years."


#5 Oopps!, se me escapó...


Link directo al servidor de la secretaría de defensa (EE.UU), presente secretario de defensa William S. Cohen, transcripción, año 1997;

Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.


#6 Un Epic Oopps. lol


Bravo por James Hanens, científico y comprometido!!!


Le dijeron que no se podía manifestar a menos de 300 metros de la Casa Blanca, pero el creyó que le hablaban de 300 pies.


Como era... ¿USA, el país de las oportunidades?