Hace 18 años | Por maty a interesting-people.org
Publicado hace 18 años por maty a interesting-people.org

Steven Bellovin http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/, conocido experto en temas de seguridad (y bien querido por Xavier Caballé http://www.quands.info/categories/seguretat/2006/01/07.html#a6508): "Let me urge people to read http://www.toool.nl/bumping.pdf, referenced from a previous link. For one thing, it's not a new attack; it's been known for >50 years. It also explains in more detail how to do it, why it works, and notes that there are some lock designs that are immune." Quands.info: Entrevista a Steven Bellovin http://www.quands.info/stories/2004/05/26/bellovin.html