Hace 11 años | Por --253329-- a elmundo.es
Publicado hace 11 años por --253329-- a elmundo.es

¿Estos mismos son los que EEUU quiere armar? Siria: decapitan a un sacerdote católico El Vaticano confirma que el franciscano Francois Murad fue asesinado en un monasterio cerca de la ciudad de Homs.



Microblogging y dupe Rebeldes sirios asesinan a un monje católico delante de sus parroquianos

Hace 11 años | Por fersal a actualidad.rt.com

#0 Presupones que en la insurgencia en Siria sólo hay 1 grupo.



---While the video's title refers to the killing of a priest and a bishop, none of the participants in the actual video refer to any such actions, and only accuse the victims of being collaborators and 'shabiha', a reference to pro-government militia members.

Father Pizzaballa, a colleague in the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, to which Father Francois belonged, told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that none of their priests were the victims in the video.

"None of our priests have died in this manner. All our priests are alive. Reading the reports circulating in the media I conclude that they have mixed up events," he said.
Peter Bouckaert, Emergencies Director for Human Rights Watch said: "Confusion may have arisen because of the appearance of this video around the same time that the news came out that Father Francois had been killed.

"Human Rights Watch has been conducting an in-depth investigation into this video, and it looks like it may have been filmed in a different location several months ago, long before Father Francois was reportedly killed."

Yasser, a Syrian activist who has been researching the killings in the video said that the incident took place "months" before the priest's death.Several other Syrian sources, that asked not to be named, confirmed this account.----


El custodio de Tierra Santa niega tajantemente que las personas que aparecen en el vídeo sean sacerdotes: http://it.custodia.org/default.asp?id=4&id_n=23589

El vídeo en el que se afirmaba erróneamente que los ejecutados eran sacerdotes católicos fue subido por la red de noticias pro-assad SyriaTruth.com.


Errónea. No se ve, está censurao.


El mejor fanático es el fanático muerto.