Hace 3 años | Por --564530-- a oocities.org
Publicado hace 3 años por --564530-- a oocities.org

Sarah es una mujer joven, humilde, soltera y desconocedora que ha de convertirse en la madre de un gran salvador llamado John Conner al igual que María es una mujer joven, humilde, soltera y desconocedora que traerá un hijo llamado Jesús (Lucas 1:31) [...] Del mismo modo que el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios para hablar a María (Lucas 1:26) Kyle Reese entra en la vida de Sarah y le dice que será la madre de un hombre asombroso que salvará muchas vidas [...] Llamativamente su nombre tiene las mismas iniciales que Jesús Cristo.



Yo le veo más similitudes con el Alcaudón de Hyperion.


Y las mismas iniciales que James Cameron. O que el emérito


Para buscar interpretaciones tan profundas podrían escribir bien Connor.



O podrían inventar una versión en la que la Virgen le dice al Ángel Anunciador; "¿Y si te metes tú un pepino por tu celestial culo?"


#4 Dios te salve, Lola Fajardo:


Y Anakin Skywalker fue sin pecado concebido


Copio y pego por que leer ahí es un dolor:

The Bible in The Terminator
Jenny Nokes

Without really considering the Biblical themes in James Cameron’s The Terminator, they may be easily overlooked. However, when one reflects on the parallels between The Terminator and the Bible, many ideas are readily apparent. From the apocalyptic ideas, allusions to Mary, and the references to a savior, many parts of the plot of The Terminator are connected to the ideas found in the Bible.

The apocalyptic message and eschatology of the Bible found in Daniel of the Hebrew Bible and Revelation in the New Testament is also the message of futuristic destructive scenes in The Terminator as machines are taking over and ending the world. In addition, the constant battle of good verses evil in the New and Old testaments Bible is also represented in the movie with the battle between Kyle Reese and Sarah Conner, the good, verses the Terminator, the evil.

Some other major allusion between the movie and the Bible can be seen through Sarah Conner. She symbolizes Mary in the Bible, as seen in the gospel of Luke (Luke 1:26-38) the Annunciation . Sarah is a young, humble, unwed, unsuspecting woman who is to become the mother of a great savior named “John Conner” just as Mary is a young, humble, unwed, and unsuspecting woman who will bear a son named “Jesus” (Luke 1:31). Both Mary and Sarah Conner were perplexed when first confronted. Likewise, just as the angel Gabriel was sent by God to speak to Mary (Luke 1, 26), Kyle Reece comes into Sarah’s life and tells her that she will become the mother of an amazing man who will save many people’s lives and also who men will be willing to die for. His name was to be John Conner, which incidentally has the same first initials as Jesus Christ. In addition, just as Kyle Reese describes John Conner as an incredible leader whom he trusts and would die for “in a second,” Jesus Christ, is also the same remarkable leader with remarkable authority who upholds his kingdom with justice and righteousness (Isaiah 9:6-7).

In another way, Kyle Reece could represent Joseph, the man betrothed to Mary in the gospels. Mary and Joseph flee from King Herod to save the life of Mary’s unborn son, Jesus (Matthew 2:13-18). In the movie, Sarah and Kyle Reece flee from the Terminator to save the life of Sarah’s son that she will have in the future. The end of the movie could be viewed as the flight into Egypt as well because Sarah must travel into Mexico to allude authorities and protect her unborn son who will be a savior, just as Mary alludes King Herod and travels into Egypt to protect her son, Jesus Christ, who will be king.

Overall, many biblical references can be found in The Terminator if one looks for them.