Hace 4 años | Por J.Kraken a youtube.com
Publicado hace 4 años por J.Kraken a youtube.com

En este caso el usuario va improvisando las líneas de un pequeño guión, con la ayuda de la IA. La herramienta proporciona opciones con nuevas frases y situaciones, de entre las cuales el redactor elige una que luego puede modificar. Si queréis probar la herramienta aquí tenéis el enlace: https://writeup.ai/



#1 Es genial. Lo del ground turkey da un poco de mal rollo en plan replicante.


#1 Lo he intentado yo también, este ha sido mi resultado hasta que entró en barrena:
The squirrel in black tape was lying on the floor, dry and dead. The pervert Sacreew +

was holding the corpse of the monkey, which was covered in blood.

"I saw the monkey," said the pervert, "and I saw the black tape, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

" What happened?" asked the boy.

"I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

"What happened?"

"I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape, and I saw the monkey."

"What happened?"

"I saw the monkey, and I saw the black tape


#1 Y esta me ha quedado perfecta:

The pervert Sacreew and the dead squirrel.

A few years later, a friend of mine, a man who is very much into the occult, asked me if I knew where I could find a dead squirrel. I told him, "Well, I've got a dead squirrel in my backyard."

He said, "That's a pretty big deal, isn't it?" And I said, " Well, it's a big deal, but it's not the big deal that you think it is."

He said, "Well, I'm not going to get the squirrel."

I said, "Well, that's okay. I'll get it. I'll get it."

He said, "Well, I'll get it. But I'm going to get it in a different way."

I said, "Well, that's fine. But I'm not going to get it in a different way."

He said, "Well, I'll get it in a different way. I'm going to get it in a different way."

I said, "Well, that's fine.


Quiero escribir una novela de cuatrocientas páginas, pero no tengo temática, ni una historia, ni personajes, ni worldbildin, etc Si una IA me hiciera todo eso yo ya podría empezar a escribir en condiciones.


#3 Métete en el enlace, escribe "It was a dark and stormy night" y a partir de ahí pincha en opciones aleatoriamente hasta llegar a las 400 páginas


#10 gracias, ahí voy!


Right now I'm eating.

I don't know what to say.
I can't stop looking at him.
I want to.

Que querrá de él?


Pues es una idea cojonuda. Así podremos tener a miles de personas convencidas de ser los únicos autores de la misma novela. Y ya sólo les faltará plantar un hijo y tener un pino... o plantar un pino... bueno, qué más da, lo que diga el próximo aieigüebsait.


Como te vayas al porno... lo que recita...


Okay, so I heard there's this new book out called "The Great American Novel." It's about the great American novel, and it's about how people write the great American novel. I was reading it and I was like, "I can't believe there's this book about the great American novel." Well, it's called "The Great American Novel" by the way.

So I'm like, "Oh, this is a book about the great American novel, I can't believe this book is about the great American novel." And I was like, "Well, it's about the great American novel, and it's about how people write the great American novel." I was reading it and I was like, "I can't believe there's this book about the great American novel. Well, it's called "The Great American Novel" by the way."


La IA viene pisando fuerte lol