Hace 10 años | Por niñopelao a cnnespanol.cnn.com
Publicado hace 10 años por niñopelao a cnnespanol.cnn.com

Ransomware, un género particularmente molesto de virus de computadoras, se está esparciendo como una plaga. Este software malicioso bloquea los archivos de tu computadora hasta que pagues... y resulta que es increíblemente difícil de exterminar.



#1 si bien el ramsomware no es nuevo, su gran incremento es reciente.

While initially popular in Russia, the use of ransomware scams has grown internationally;[1][2][3] in June 2013, security software vendor McAfee released data showing that it had collected over 250,000 unique samples of ransomware in the first quarter of 2013—more than double the number it had obtained in the first quarter of 2012.[4]

The first known ransomware was the 1989 "AIDS" trojan (also known as "PC Cyborg") written by Joseph Popp, which triggered a payload claiming that the user's license to use a certain piece of software had expired, encrypted file names on the hard drive, and required the user to pay US$189 to "PC Cyborg Corporation" in order to unlock the system.



Deberían aclarar en estas noticias que el problema ocurre en MS Windows, que no todo el mundo usa ese sistema operativo.