Hace 3 años | Por SirMcLouis a thebalancecareers.com
Publicado hace 3 años por SirMcLouis a thebalancecareers.com

Puede que no haya oído hablar de la palabra presentismo, pero probablemente sí de la mucho más común "calentar la silla". Los directivos suelen juzgar a los empleados en función de las horas que trabajan y no por su producto final y su contribución. Esto se traduce en un pensamiento disfuncional: si tu jefe te ve sentado frente a la pantalla del ordenador, te considera un buen empleado. Esto puede llevar al problema del presentismo.



Aunque el artículo se focaliza en USA, es interesante porque analiza y aproxima cuesta que la gente en realidad vaya al trabajo a hacer nada.

This study determined that the cost of employees working when they were ill surpassed $226 billion for employers. Researchers also figure that this is an underestimate since various factors such as not accounting for employee disability that leads to a continuous absence of one week or more were not counted.

"But when employees reported how many days they actually lost on the job, that number shot up to 57.5 days per year–per employee."

Reflecting this finding, according to the HBR article cited above, two articles in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" reported that employee depression cost US employers $35 billion a year in reduced employee performance at work and that pain conditions such as arthritis, headaches, and back problems cost employers nearly $47 billion.

Another study, conducted by researchers in Japan, found "The monetary value due to absenteeism was $520 per person per year (11 percent), that of presenteeism was $3055 (64 percent), and medical/pharmaceutical expenses were $1165 (25 percent). Two of the highest total cost burdens from chronic illness were related to mental (behavioral) health conditions and musculoskeletal disorders.

Lo triste es que sigue habiendo mucho empresario y jefecillo que sigue pensando que lo que tienen que hacer los empleados es ir a trabajar sea como sea y que estén cuanto más horas mejor.


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