Hace 1 año | Por senfet a hobbyconsolas.com
Publicado hace 1 año por senfet a hobbyconsolas.com

Steam aclara que su rechazo a un juego con arte hecho por IA no es una declaración de opinión sino un reflejo de la normativa de derechos de autor. | La semana pasada, un desarrollador lamentaba que la plataforma Steam había rechazado publicar su juego por presentar arte generado por Inteligencia Artificial. Aunque el desarrollador explicaba en Reddit que solo eran 2-3 sprites "provisionales"que luego modificó manualmente, Valve no le dejó superar su proceso de revisión.




Valve prohibirá los juegos con contenido generado por IA en Steam
Valve prohibirá los juegos con contenido generado por IA en Steam

La noticia en el medio original:

Valve clarifies it ‘doesn’t want to discourage’ games with AI generated content

La noticia en Hipertextual:

Steam ‘no desalienta’ los juegos con contenidos generados por IA, pero pone límites


Las palabras del portavoz de Valve en el medio original, VideoGameChronicle:

Responding to last week’s incident, Valve has issued a statement to VGC claiming that its “goal is not to discourage the use of [games built with AI] on Steam”, and that any action it’s taken was “a reflection of current copyright law and policies, not an added layer of our opinion.”

“We are continuing to learn about AI, the ways it can be used in game development, and how to factor it in to our process for reviewing games submitted for distribution on Steam,” it wrote. “Our priority, as always, is to try to ship as many of the titles we receive as we can.

“The introduction of AI can sometimes make it harder to show a developer has sufficient rights in using AI to create assets, including images, text, and music.”

The spokesperson noted the “legal uncertainty relating to data used to train AI models” and said it was the responsibility of developers to “have the appropriate rights to ship their game.”

“We know it is a constantly evolving tech, and our goal is not to discourage the use of it on Steam; instead, we’re working through how to integrate it into our already-existing review policies. Stated plainly, our review process is a reflection of current copyright law and policies, not an added layer of our opinion. As these laws and policies evolve over time, so will our process.

“We welcome and encourage innovation, and AI technology is bound to create new and exciting experiences in gaming. While developers can use these AI technologies in their work with appropriate commercial licenses, they can not infringe on existing copyrights.”


¿Como hacen los artistas para evitar que otros humanos imiten su estilo?


#3 No publicando sus obras.


#3 No hay ni un solo director de arte que no copie de otros todo lo que hace. Es curioso la lucha contra la IA por hacer justo lo mismo que hacemos los humanos. De todas formas, suerte Steam comprobando como se ha hecho el arte.