Hace 13 años | Por ccka2 a rpp.com.pe
Publicado hace 13 años por ccka2 a rpp.com.pe

Se trata de Leela, su primera incursión en este mundo y que llegará a las consolas Nintendo Wii y la Xbox 360 de Microsoft haciendo uso de los sensores de movimientos de ambas máquinas para que el usuario realice una serie de ejercicios.



Será el videojuego más sexy que hayan visto estos ojos.


Diría que irrelevante por magufo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepak_Chopra#Criticism
The Skeptics Dictionary, a book by Robert Todd Carroll, describes Chopra as the "foremost advocate of Ayurvedic medicine in America". The book also says that, according to Chopra's arguments, perfect health is a matter of choice, physical imbalances can be identified by taking the pulse, allergies are the result of poor digestion and washing one’s eyes with saliva can prevent or reverse cataracts. Chopra claims that he found it frustrating to give patients antibiotics, tranquilizers and sleeping pills, when his opinion was that the drugs would not get rid of the problem.[5] However, according to Carroll, Chopra has given up his work in medicine “in favor of working in religion.”