Hace 16 años | Por kraz a corrientesnoticias.com.ar
Publicado hace 16 años por kraz a corrientesnoticias.com.ar

Historia de el beso: contra todo lo que pueda suponerse, no nació como expresión de amor, sino a raíz de una ley romana que prohibía tomar vino a las mujeres: al llegar a casa, cada marido obligaba a la suya a exhalar su aliento, mientras acercaba sus labios a los de ella, para cerciorarse de que no hubiera bebido...



La introdujo Abe Simpson durante la II Guerra Mundial como una forma para propagar gérmenes.
(lo sé porque lo ví en TV)


Para mi que esta noticia es más falsa que un billete de 6 euros.

C&P "Anthropologists have not reached a consensus as to whether kissing is a learned or an instinctive behavior. It may be related to grooming behavior also seen between other animals, or arising as a result of mothers premasticating food for their children.[1] Kissing allows prospective mates to smell and taste each other's pheromones for biological compatibility. Women are subconsciously more attracted to men whose major histocompatibility complex portion of their genome is different from their own, leading to offspring with resistance to a greater number of diseases, and thus having a better chance of survival.[2] [3] [4] This explains why couples are more likely to bond if they have the right "chemistry". Also, a study by researchers at University at Albany found that women use kissing as a tool to find the right father for their children and to judge men exclusively on the quality of the first kiss that they share. Many other non-human primates also exhibit kissing behaviour.[5]"



Historia del beso Negro: El marido obligaba a su mujer a tirarse un pedo mientras acercaba las fosas nasales para cerciorarse de que no se hubiera metido...