

Yo creo que es un radar de la D.G.T., se estan poniendo imposibles, donde menos te lo esperas hay uno.


¿Marte o los decorados de 2001: Odisea del espacio?


Pues yo la pondría de nombre "Monolito Gafotas" ... lol


Mmmm... tostones. [/Homer]


Consparanoias aparte, y sin entrar en el monolito, la explicacion que dan en reddit al asunto se sale:

phobos2deimos 190 points191 points192 points 7 hours ago*

As my user name involves the moons of Mars, I feel that I am authorized to speak on the subject. Phobos was inhabited by tiny green creatures called "Croutons." I know it sounds like a joke. I can assure you that this is not the case.
Most Croutons were infamous for their love of rectangles. Their god, Rectangutron, commanded them to create a stone tablet in homage to Him. This "Monolith" is that very stone tablet.
Some Croutons didn't believe in rectangles like the others. They instead loved triangles, dodecahedrons, parallelograms, and who knows what other polygons. These "non-believers" all believed in different gods. These gods included Triangulicious, Dodecazoid, Parallelo, and Carlos.
Eventually the non-believing Croutons became tired of the "rectangulotronies" and their infatuation with the four-cornered deity composed of ninety degree angles. They chose a leader and christened him Crazy Crout. Crout led the non-believers into battle against the rectangulotronies - a battle that would last hours upon hours.
Neither side could gain ground. The rectangulotronies' armies were vast and seemingly endless, but the non-believers had the powerful Octogon Spears that gave them a fighting chance.
Eventually Crout had to make an executive decision. He couldn't maintain the battle - the costs were too great. He knew what he must do.
Two hours later, the non-believers launched the first ever nuclear strike, but made a fatal flaw. They made their measurements for the nuclear recipe in kilograms, and forgot to convert back to pounds. The resulting blast destroyed all but the "Monolith."
This is the story of the Croutons.

Lo entiendo, pero mi traduccion seria demasiado chavacana....