Hace 12 años | Por Meirford a lavanguardia.com
Publicado hace 12 años por Meirford a lavanguardia.com

Un estudio de la Universidad de Nantes afirma que el estrés en el terreno laboral las hace más sensibles a las erupciones cutáneas



y les crecen más las uñas también?


Y a ser gordas y feas, y a vestir con prendas carísimas que les quedan fatal. Y son propensas a no conjuntar esmalte de uñas y zapatos.


Ya sabéis la moraleja: mujeres, podréis triunfar en la vida, pero a cambio SERÉIS FEAS JA JA JA JA cual maldición de bruja piruja. Lo dice el Telegraph y LA CIENCIA roll

Naaah. Que hay paper de verdad: "Female acne - a different subtype of teenager acne?"

Y mirad qué dice el abstract:
Above all, acne is considered an adolescent affection. However, in literature as in daily life, female acne is becoming more and more common. According to the articles that cover this subject, the prevalence is estimated from 40% to 50%. The objective of our work was to make an overview of new data about female acne at the clinical and epidemiological level to be precise if female acne has to be considered as a subtype of acne different from teenager acne. This review shows that the most frequently recognized age when speaking about female acne is 25 years old. Most commonly it is a light to moderate acne that mainly affects the face. Two clinical forms can be identified: an inflammatory form, the most frequent, made up of papulo-pustules and nodules on the lower part of the face and a retentional form made up of blackheads and micro cysts with hyperseborrhoea. Concerning its evolution, it is characterized by three subtypes of which two are predominant: the most frequent form called 'continue acne' from adolescence to adult age and the less frequent form called 'late onset acne' that starts after 25 years of age. On a physiopathological level two main hypotheses can be proposed. Specific global assessment and therapeutic algorithm would be necessary for female acne, which in addition, in future would have to be considered separately from teenagers for the evaluation of a new drug.

¿De dónde saca el Telegraph la noticia? Es un misterio, pero todo sea en el nombre de decir a las mujeres que mejor en casita y en la cocina, que eso es lo importante.

Más crítica de este mal periodismo:

Naaah. Que hay paper de verdad: "Female acne - a different subtype of teenager acne?"

Y mirad qué dice el abstract:
Above all, acne is considered an adolescent affection. However, in literature as in daily life, female acne is becoming more and more common. According to the articles that cover this subject, the prevalence is estimated from 40% to 50%. The objective of our work was to make an overview of new data about female acne at the clinical and epidemiological level to be precise if female acne has to be considered as a subtype of acne different from teenager acne. This review shows that the most frequently recognized age when speaking about female acne is 25 years old. Most commonly it is a light to moderate acne that mainly affects the face. Two clinical forms can be identified: an inflammatory form, the most frequent, made up of papulo-pustules and nodules on the lower part of the face and a retentional form made up of blackheads and micro cysts with hyperseborrhoea. Concerning its evolution, it is characterized by three subtypes of which two are predominant: the most frequent form called 'continue acne' from adolescence to adult age and the less frequent form called 'late onset acne' that starts after 25 years of age. On a physiopathological level two main hypotheses can be proposed. Specific global assessment and therapeutic algorithm would be necessary for female acne, which in addition, in future would have to be considered separately from teenagers for the evaluation of a new drug.

¿De dónde saca el Telegraph la noticia? Es un misterio, pero todo sea en el nombre de decir a las mujeres que mejor en casita y en la cocina, que eso es lo importante.

Más crítica de este mal periodismo:


Por eso Leire Pajín tiene un cutis fino y terso, porque éxito, lo que se dice éxito..


#2 Para lo sumamente tonta que es creo que ha tenido bastante éxito en la vida.