Hace 15 años | Por DavidCanoES a mtbs3d.com
Publicado hace 15 años por DavidCanoES a mtbs3d.com

Primera parte de la presentación de la tecnología 3D estereoscópico en la Games Developer Conference (GDC) de Blitz Game Studios para jugar a los juegos de XBOX 360 y PlayStation 3 en 3D real (sin las cutre-gafas de colores, el 3D bueno como los cines RealD).





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Perdona, me equivoqué de noticia al pegar el comentario en #2, no iba dirigido a esta noticia, lo siento.


We first met at SIGGRAPH this year, and I was very pleased that you attended the presentation we did with Mark Rein of Epic Games to talk about stereoscopic 3D gaming. Is it true that this event motivated you to implement your 3D ideas? How? Please elaborate.

Mark presented on an S-3D panel and showed Unreal Tournament 3 on the PC running in 3D and it looked great, but when asked if it would run on the Xbox360 or PS3, he said these consoles weren’t powerful enough. I always like a challenge and I felt sure that we could maximize the power of these consoles with our technology team and actually prove everyone wrong - so we gave it a go!

Looks like you answered the challenge! Congratulations on developing the Blitz Tech engine that supports stereoscopic 3D technology on consoles. Tell us about the Blitz Tech game engine, and how did you go about making it S-3D compatible?

We have a large team writing our cross platform engine and we always liked to push the boundaries with what is possible. Whilst I felt the statements about the consoles not being powerful enough were fair enough assessments, it soon became apparent that the biggest issue was that the game MUST run in 1080p @60fps before you can consider implementing the S-3D part. But having a console heritage we generally write our games to run at 60fps anyway so if we can make our games now run in 1080p at the same time, then it becomes possible. Admittedly some displays allow S-3D at 720 but it would be only a small proportion of people who own 3D screens that it would work for. Also, some 3D screens do work 30fps but they don’t look so good and the visuals aren’t that satisfying.

Entrevista completa:


¿? Si esto no es de mi blog, y además es de una página extranjera. Yo sólo he completado el vídeo del artículo con una entrevista que he encontrado en otra url, para no hacer otro artículo.