Hace 1 año | Por Perrota a microsiervos.com
Publicado hace 1 año por Perrota a microsiervos.com

Lejos de ser ofensiva, la frase «explícamelo como si tuviera 5 años» es una forma divertida y popularizada en series y películas para pedir a alguien que te explique algo complejo de forma sencilla. En inglés se suele abreviar como ELI5 (Explain it to me Like I'm 5) y es una forma de repreguntar tan popular que uno de los foros más populares de Reddit se llama precisamente así: /r/ExplainLikeImFive. Ahora Oli ha creado ELI5.gg que es una especie de adaptar de preguntas complicadas para que GPT-3 las responda precisamente al estilo...



Encantadoras respuestas:

Pregunta: Why God punished Lot's wife?
Respuesta: God punished Lot's wife because He wanted to show us how important it is to obey His commands. Lot and his family were told to leave the city they were living in because God was going to destroy it. Lot's wife looked back at the city even though God told her not to, and God turned her into a column of salt to serve as an example to remind people to obey His orders.

Pregunta: Why God punished homosexuals in the Old Testament?
Respuesta: God didn't necessarily punish homosexuals in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God laid out laws for people to follow, which included laws about how people should live in relation to each other. One of the laws was that people should not have physical relationships with people of the same sex. If people chose not to follow these laws, then God said that this was wrong and that He did not approve of it.

Pregunta: why islam says that infidels should be punished?
Respuesta: In Islam, an infidel is someone who does not follow the teachings of the Islamic religion. According to Islam, any person who does not follow its teachings should be punished. This punishment could involve fines, imprisonment, or even death. The punishment is meant to serve as a deterrent to others who may also be thinking of not following the teachings of Islam.

Al menos la tercera es cierta. Las dos primeras son bastante "particulares".


Se puede hacer con chatGPT. Basta con indicarle que quieres la explicación a un nivel de secundaria, o de primaria, y adecua el lenguaje, el vocabulario y la densidad de información al nivel adecuado.


Pregunta: ¿Por qué hay un límite en la velocidad de la luz?
Respuesta: Esto es así porque hay reglas en el universo que nuestros científicos han descubierto.

Así cualquiera responde