Hace 14 años | Por --174646-- a afrotechmods.com
Publicado hace 14 años por --174646-- a afrotechmods.com

"El otro día era capaz de oir una radio en el edificio vecino a través de los muros de hormigón..."



Spoiler: Un oscilador a 100MHz.
PD: Lo del anuncio "Dating for Geeks" va en serio? Alguien compra un libro así?


#1 No se que decirte...
This book is for:
Geeky guys aged 18-29 who want a girlfriend and a normal healthy relationship.
Guys who have never been out on a date before.
Guys who have been out on a few dates, but can’t seem to get a second date.
Guys who constantly hear “I don’t want to ruin our friendship” or “You are such a nice guy.”
Guys who want the definitive lowdown on online dating and how to come out ahead of all the other guys you have to compete with.
Guys who don’t know what to say to a girl in real life.
Guys who have trouble telling whether a girl likes them.
Guys who need help building confidence.
Guys who need guidance on how to become more attractive to women.
Guys who fall in love with girls, only to find out that the girl is not interested in them, Q_Q.