Publicado hace 1 año por Likaro a

Burlarse de Recep Tayip Erdogan, presidente turco desde hace casi una década, tiene precio en Suecia. Son 1.000 euros (1.062 dólares) para aquellos que hagan los mejores dibujos satíricos sobre su persona. Es la tentadora oferta que acaba de publicar un medio humorístico del país nórdico, Flamman. Como telón de fondo, las tensiones que en los últimos tiempos han enfrentado a ambos países. El medio busca burlarse del presidente turco, en protesta por su régimen, en medio de las negociaciones para el ingreso de Suecia en la OTAN.



Mirando la Wikipedia para ver algo sobre este periódico, se ve que en Suecia hay tradición por los Frentes Populares de Judea, aunque normal en tantos años: Flamman was founded in 1906 by the workers in Malmfälten[1] and was the regional newspaper of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party. The circulation of the paper reached its peak in the 1920s, with 11,000 daily copies.

After the Social Democratic Party was divided in 1917, the newspaper became a regional organ of the Swedish Social Democratic Left Party (SSV) in Norrbotten County, and later the Swedish Communist Party (SKP).[1] When the Communist Party split in 1977, the newspaper became the voice for the Workers Party - The Communists (APK). In 1989, it changed from being a daily to a weekly newspaper. In 1990, the newspaper broke with APK and became an independent socialist weekly.
