Hace 7 años | Por --526496-- a care2.com
Publicado hace 7 años por --526496-- a care2.com

Un estudio científico demuestra que los "breastaurants" tienen un coste importante en la salud de sus empleados. Las mujeres que trabajan en estos locales se encuentran en un gran riesgo de problemas de salud mental- desde la depresión hasta la vergüenza corporal. Se encontró que los "ambientes que fomentan la cosificación sexual" están fuertemente ligados a la "internalización de las normas culturales de belleza y depresión", así como baja satisfacción laboral. Cuanto menos tajantes se muestren ante situaciones de acoso, mayor es la propina.



#1 Alguien que no sabe querer y que ha tenido sexo dos veces en su vida, es el cliente-tipo ideal de esos sitios


Pues ya os digo que ponen unas alitas que están de puta madre.

#2 deberías ir, lo mismo te sorprendes con los clientes, que por cierto son de ambos sexos. No puedes estar más equivocado.


#5 habrá que probar, y si me convence dejo los donuts


#2 joer! A algún sitio tendrán que ir a cenar...


#1 No lo entiendo, yo prefiero los donuts


Cualquiera diría que ya tenían las respuestas antes que el estudio

Research examining the tenets of objectification theory has given little attention to increasing scholars’ understanding of specific environments and subcultures, such as beauty pageants, cheerleading, and cocktail waitressing, that exist within U.S. culture where sexual objectification of women is encouraged, promoted, and socially sanctioned. The purpose of this qualitative study was to provide an in-depth, descriptive contextual understanding of the experiences of 11 women who work in a sexually objectifying restaurant environment. Data classification via the constant comparative method resulted in nine themes: reasons for involvement, ambivalence, counterfeit intimacy, sexual objectification, resistance strategies, power, negative relationships with women, changes over time, and judgment. Corresponding subthemes are also described, and interpretation is provided in light of the relevant literature.


The purpose of our study was to examine the relationships between experiences of working in sexually objectifying environments (SOEs) and psychological and job-related outcomes in a sample of 253 waitresses working in U.S. restaurants. Supporting our hypotheses, results indicated that SOEs were significantly positively correlated with waitresses’ experiences of interpersonal sexual objectification at work, internalization of cultural standards of beauty, and depression as well as negatively correlated with job satisfaction. Contrary to our hypotheses, SOEs were not directly related to self-objectification, body shame, self-esteem, or health habits. Furthermore, our findings revealed support for a theorized five-chain serial mediation model in which SOEs were related to job satisfaction both directly and indirectly via classic objectification theory processes (i.e., interpersonal experiences of sexual objectification in the restaurant environment, self-objectification, body shame, and depression). Finally, a direct positive link was found between interpersonal experiences of sexual objectification and depression. Our findings underscore the need to implement both individual- and system-level interventions to combat the existence of SOEs and the negative effects they may have on women.



Vamos, que currar de camarera en un bar de tetas es una mierda... el descubrimiento del siglo, vaya lol